With A Little Help From My Friends Contest!

From time to time our readers submit very helpful information to our site as exemplified by this one from Jen Houck – Bath tub for washing trumpets
and another more recently from Felice Sobrero – External mute..

I enjoy learning from others and for that reason, I will be hosting a contest which some of you may be interested in participating. It is called “With A Little Help From My Friends Contest”!

Due to the fact that we are all in this together (trumpet playing) it would be a benefit to us all to learn some of the tricks, hints, methods, etc. that we as individuals have learned through the years. Just as our two previous contributors had shared their experiences with us, I’m sure there are many more individuals who have come across some helpful tricks which we all could benefit from and that is exactly what the contest is all about; sharing ideas with other players.

Rules of the contest-

1. Every contributor will receive a “free” trumpet trio arrangement of “Old Man River”.

2. The best three contributed ideas will receive free arrangements of their choice from our sister site trumpetensemblemusic.com.

Third place winner will receive any 3 free arrangements of their choice from our extensive library.

Second place winner will receive any 5 free arrangements of their choice from our extensive library.

First place winner will receive any 10 free arrangements of their choice from our extensive library.

Ten free arrangements could range from $10 to $250 worth of arrangements depending on which arrangements were selected.

3. All ideas must have been received in my Email account brucechidester@hotmail.com no later than midnight, CST on May 31st.

4. Photos are encouraged but not required.

5. Be as complete in your explanation as possible.

6. More than one idea will be accepted but please send each separately.

7. The first, second and third place winners must submit their choices of arrangements at one time.

8. Winners will be announced June 1st on this site and the top three will be contacted individually.

So… search through your library of “great ideas” and submit your material as soon as possible. This will be a great way to add to your library as well as adding to your fellow trumpet player’s education.

Oh, did I mention that I will be the only judge.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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