Which is the Best Trumpet Stand?

Eventually all trumpet player will be faced with the realization that they need a trumpet stand. Whether its use will be in the practice room, the recording studio or the recital stage, the need for a stand will have to be faced. Fortunately the cost will not be too expensive. Most stands range from fifteen to thirty dollars. When trying to decide on which one to purchase, several issues should be considered.

Stability-The most important issue will be stability. Will your instrument be safe when placed on the trumpet stand?  I would not consider any stand that has less than four legs for obvious reasons. The more legs, the more stability.

Material– Some players prefer metal stands and others prefer plastic. The plastic is usually lighter and the metal is most often stronger. The only time plastic might let you down would be if your trumpet case were left out in the cold in December in the middle of Iowa. Plastic tends to be susceptible to chipping and cracking in extremely cold temperatures. Metal does not have that problem.

Construction and design– You will find that some manufacturers are gifted when it comes to functional design and others should have stayed home. Good construction and design reflects itself in ease of use and extended life expectancy.

Packing– When faced with carrying equipment, how easily your trumpet stand packs is very important. Several of these models will store in your trumpet’s bell while in the case. This is the perfect way to travel, if you can trust the stand in your bell while traveling. When I carry my stands, I place them in a separate case in order to protect the inside of my bells.

Contact in bell– Even though you will not see the scratches deep inside your bell, you will still know they are there. It is best to have the contact point inside the bell to be as protected as possible and the better stands have made this provision.

Price– From the list below you will find a range of prices from $11.99 to $29.00. This is not a great difference so how do you decide? Remember that the most important feature of a trumpet stand is its stability. If I have not rated it a five in this category, I wouldn’t  consider it. The cost and delay of a dented valve casing will cost you many times more than the cost of your trumpet stand.

Rating– I have given each stand my own rating and this is only my opinion. On the BrassWinds site you can read other players opinions on several of these stands listed.

I have owned several of these stands and the last three I have purchased were from K&M. I have a three legged stand for my cornet and the only reason I have that one is because at the time I purchased it, they did not offer a five legged model. If I were to recommend my top two favorite stands, they would be-

#1 K&M Trumpet Stand (5 legs)

#2 K&M Trumpet Stand (5 legs)

What can I say, I like it.

If you are thinking of buying a stand for multiple horns (trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn) you might be tempted in buying the Hercules Stands DS513B Dual Trumpet/Cornet/Fluglehorn Stand . Just remember that when you pick up one of your horns to play, you have just lost your stability. Something else to think about when considering the three horn stand, you might not be able to fit it on the band stand between you and the other trumpet players. Three separate stands will cost you more money but each will be equally stable at all times and you will be able to move them around to fit on a tight stage or recital hall.

Here is just a sample of the more popular trumpet stands available-

K&M Trumpet Stand (5 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

5                 5                 5                                       5                  5                             $23.99     5

K&M 15210B Trumpet Stand (3 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

3                 5                 5                                       5                  5                             $19.99     3

On-Stage Stands Trumpet Stand (3 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

2                 3                 3                                       3                  3                             $12.95     3

Mainline Trumpet Stand (4 legs- 2 short, 2 long)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

2                 3                 2                                       2                  2                             $13.99     2

K&M Universal Stand (3 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

1                 2                 1                                       2                  1                             $16-24     2

Hercules Stands Trumpet / Cornet Stand (3 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

3                 5                 5                                       3                  3                            $30.95     4

PACK A STAND Trumpet/Cornet Stand (4 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

4                 3                 3                                       3                  2                             $15.19     3

Hercules Stands DS410B TravLite In-Bell Trumpet Stand (5 legs)

Stability     Material     Construction/design     Packing     Contact  in bell     Price     Rating

4                 5                 5                                       4                  4                             $24.95     4

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

4 thoughts on “Which is the Best Trumpet Stand?

  1. Mike Thomas Reply

    Bruce: Nice job in evaluating these stands.
    Mike – Burbank, Bush, & Roche Thomas Products

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Thanks for the comment and the very best to you and yours.
      Stop back often for you never know (nor do I) what will be the next topic.

  2. Dean Martin Reply

    I have K&M and Hercules. I like the K&M better. I was in a jam and the music store had Hercules only. So I bought it and I don’t care for it. The K&M seems to be formed to fit the bell perfect. The Hercules has a rubber knob on the end, which seems not to be as stable.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      I have three K&M stands and have used them for a long time and have had no problems with them. They are compact and rugged. I do prefer the five legs on the newer ones because of the increased stability.

      The only issue I have at this time is that they are black and the show we are in right now has very little lite in the pit. My problem is trying to find the stand when I’m switching horns. Some day they might come out with one with a small, flashing red light at the top.

      Thanks for your comments and the very best to you and yours.

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