Flash Mobs have been increasing in number as well as creativity. We all would like to be present when one of these apparent haphazard occurrences take place. The thrill of this unpredictable and well-rehearsed performance happening in front of our very eyes is something every person would remember all of his/her life.
Now, let me jump to another similar and related question. How many of you have heard complaints about a live show using tracks? Many people will rant and rave and say such things such as “I paid good money to hear “real” music, not a canned recording”. Yet the same people will have no problem sharing the latest Flash Mob video with all of their friends even though the audio track was obviously added after the fact.
Recently a very good friend sent me a link to a recent Flash Mob video and as I watched it, I began to think of the extremely high quality of the recording and the unusually fine mix. Most of these Flash Mob presentations are performed under unusually bad recording situations and yet many of these recordings could rival studio level quality. This inconsistency perked my interest in what is real and what is Memorex.
I have included several Flash Mob events and I challenge you to pick out what is real and what has been dubbed in from a professional recording. I have my own thoughts as to what is live and what is edited in but you will have to judge for yourself.
If you would like to submit your opinion on this topic, please add your decision to the bottom of this post and let us know how you came to your final conclusion.
Try this!
Thanks for sharing.