and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 4

Slider-Woman-Hat-FinalMoving on from my endorsement of the Claude Gordon “Systematic Approach to Daily Practice, I will try to justify my support for nothing less than my on line lessons at…

This compilation of decades of experiences of borrowed, stolen or otherwise collected ideas covers not the way to play as much as it is a collection of tricks and practical solutions to a trumpet player’s life.

On a previous post on this topic, I listed the areas covered so at this time I will concentrate on only one which is available free of charge on my site.

Alterations to your Equipment

Curry Sound Sleeve Mouthpiece Tone Intensifier

When you read this previous post, you will understand why I recommend this simple, yet effective device whenever you need to darken your sound. Sometimes you will be in a situation where the sound you usually are content with is too bright for the current setting and you don’t want to change mouthpieces at that time.

Every trumpet case should have one tucked away in a safe place just for that occasion. Even if, while playing a show with multiple trumpet players, when the lead switches on a number with the second player, you may want to try it to see if you can get a better balance in your section. This is especially true for you that play on one of those blood curdling, laser etching, lead mouthpieces.

For you screechers who need to pass you semester juries by performing the second movement of the Haydn Trumpet Concerto, this might get you through. If you think your triple high C peashooter is too bright for your uncle’s funeral, try this alternative.


Modifications to Your Mouthpiece

Sometimes a slight adjustment to your existing mouthpiece is all that is needed to put you on course. These modifications can take one of many forms. Most require some removal of material which is non-correctable while others may change things with the addition of other materials. In this topic, I cover the alteration made through boring out your mouthpiece’s throat which is not a suggestion that I recommend unless you have a lot of money to spend on a replacement.


Valve Slide Conversion Rings

Of the several improvements I have done to my trumpet in the past ten years, nothing has been as helpful as my “Valve Slide Conversion Rings”. Sometimes problems can be solved with no expense and very little labor; and that is what I have done with my conversion rings.

No longer do I have to “push out my third slide” on low D and C#!

Be sure to check out this marvelous improvement which can be done to any trumpet and it only takes about 30 minutes.


Several additional alterations are illustrated and discussed in the video lesson found at…

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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