and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 1

Slider-Woman-Hat-Final51SnzIF9+PL._SX375_BO1,204,203,200_So many try to complicate life with new ideas and “all you need to know” sites. And some may have value while most turn out to be less than helpful.

So why do I think the combination of my is any better than the others you might ask?

Well I will tell you…..

After playing and teaching trumpet for over seven decades, you’ve got to learn something!

I have tried many concepts, methods, tricks, routines, patterns and methods which have been interesting and sometimes helpful to my trumpet career. But after a considerable amount of contemplation, I was able to limit the material down to two very important and helpful products, i.e. and Claude Gordon’s method, “Systematic Approach to Daily Practice”.

One (Systematic Approach to Daily Practice) gives you everything you need to know to become a proficient player of the trumpet and the other ( gives you the insight into the requirements of a trumpet position in the world of music.

Knowing how to play your instrument is vitally important for you will be expected to perform in a consistently accurate and musical fashion.

In addition to knowing how to play the correct notes, you will also need to know how to get along as a professional musician and Mr. Gordon did not include that important information in his book.

Through the many video lessons at you will be introduced to real life expectations and problem solving information.

To give you a small sample of the practical material in these video lessons, read the following subjects.

Warm Up & Cool Down

Alterations to your Equipment

Visual Tuning


“And these four examples are even the free lessons available on the site”.

Additional topics illustrated in this series of video lessons are the following-

Cleaning Your Trumpet
Balancing Practice with a Heavy Performance Schedule
Controlling Nerves
Ensemble Playing
Finger and Lip Trills
Finger Control
Holding Your Instrument
Lip Flexibility
Marking Your Music
Mouthpiece Placement
Mouthpiece Pressure
Pedal Tones
Picking a School
Playing a Show or Big Band
Playing in a Chamber Ensemble
Playing in an Orchestra
Practicing Music
Practicing Technique
Preparing a Solo
Preparing for an Audition
Proper Horn Angle
Sight Reading
Study Material
Teach or Perform
Tone Quality

You have to learn something after playing a trumpet for seven decades!

In my next post I will elaborate on these two very important products and substantiate my claim “ and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player!

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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