Trumpet High Range Development- Part 4….. “Will I ever be able to play a double high C”?

If you have normal physical components- Yes

If you are determined to practice properly to achieve this goal- Yes

If your are patient enough to be satisfied with small, consistent increases over time- Yes

If you are willing to accept bad days and cherish the good days- Yes

If you think that playing a double high C is necessity in your future as a trumpet player- Yes

If you answered Yes to all of the questions above- You might have a chance.

If you answered No to any of the above questions- You might not want to waste your time trying to reach this goal.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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