The Definitive Guide to Trumpet Mouthpieces- Reprinted from 2013

Trumpet Mouthpieces – Getting Started

Most instrument manufacturers also make mouthpieces which are produced under their own name and are included with the purchase of their instrument. Beginning trumpet and cornet players will not need to go through the endless quest to find the perfect mouthpiece as the more experienced players often do for the younger player needs to be more concerned with basic practice habits and steady improvement on his/her instrument and less concerned with what Mr. Trumpet player uses to play his style of music.

To be perfectly honest, if I’m asked what is the best trumpet mouthpiece, I would have to say that “there is no perfect mouthpiece for every player”.

If that were true, every trumpet player in the world would be playing on the same mouthpiece. If one mouthpiece gets you more high notes it will also be the mouthpiece that gives you more problems in the lower register as well as possibly limiting your flexibility in all ranges.

Function of all brass instrument mouthpieces

Whether you are playing a trumpet, cornet, flugelhorn, tuba or any other brass instrument, the function of the instruments mouthpiece is exactly the same. The mouthpiece is there to help vibrate your upper and lower lip when air passes between them. It does this by anchoring the outer limits of your lips as well as spreading the contact area on the lip over a wider area.

As with every variable on a mouthpiece, one advantage will usually cause an equal disadvantage. That is the reason again that “the beginning student should continue with the mouthpiece which came with the instrument” until the time in his/her development a change needs to be implemented.

Parts of a trumpet, cornet, and flugelhorn mouthpiece

All brass mouthpieces have the same general sections and function in the same manner. A trumpet mouthpiece and a cornet mouthpiece, though not interchangeable, have the same basic structure and functions.

Diagram of sections of mouthpieces-

When comparing and choosing mouthpieces, consider these effects:

Mouthpiece Rim

  • Wide: Increases endurance.
  • Narrow: Improves flexibility.
  • Round: Improves comfort.
  • Sharp: Increases precision of attack.

Mouthpiece Cup

  • Large: Increases volume, control.
  • Small: Relieves fatigue, weakness.
  • Deep: Darkens tone, especially in low register.
  • Shallow: Brightens tone, improves response, especially in high register.

Mouthpiece Throat

  • Large: Increases blowing freedom, volume, tone; sharpens high register (largest sizes also sharpen low register).
  • Small: Increases resistance, endurance, brilliance; flattens high register.

Mouthpiece Backbore

Combinations of size and shape make the tone darker or brighter, raise or lower the pitch in one or more registers, increase or decrease volume. The backbore’s effects depend in part also on the throat and cup.

Difference between Cornet, Trumpet and Flugelhorn Mouthpieces

Trumpet mouthpieces and cornet mouthpieces as I stated before are not interchangeable for two reasons.

#1. They don’t fit, and

#2. They are designed for different playing styles and sounds.

Trumpets most often have a strong, powerful tone quality which contrasts to the sound of a cornet. One should not think that one is any better than the other, they are just different. The trumpet is brighter in timbre (tone) and the cornet is more delicate and sweeter in tone quality.

When you think back to the turn of the century (that would be 1800-1900) with park concerts for well dressed men wearing top hats and women carrying parasols, the sound of the sweat cornets drifting on the air was very typical of the cornet and brass band music of that time.

Now jump ahead to the big band, swing days in the 1940’s and the sound of Harry James rocketing through the big ballroom will give you an indication as to what the trumpets function had become.  Many trumpet players complain of the inability to play a cornet with the same power and sound as they play their trumpet. And this is why we play cornets.

The strong, sometimes edgy trumpet sound can be complimented by the softer, gentler sound of the cornet. For that reason, trumpet and cornet mouthpieces are designed to do what they were intended. Don’t expect a trumpet sound with a cornet and don’t expect to play a cornet the same way you play a trumpet. The flugelhorn mouthpiece is also unique to itself.

Top 10 most popular mouthpiece manufacturers

  • Bach mouthpieces
  • Conn mouthpieces
  • Bob Reeves mouthpieces
  • Schilke mouthpieces
  • Parduba mouthpieces
  • Monette trumpet mouthpieces
  • Warburton mouthpieces
  • Yamaha mouthpieces
  • Purviance mouthpieces
  • Giardinelli mouthpieces

Recommended Trumpet Mouthpieces

For the younger student- use the mouthpiece that came with the horn as long as it was the original mouthpiece. By far the most widely recommended trumpet mouthpiece which almost all of us started on is the Bach 7C. Each time I’m asked which mouthpiece I recommend for a beginning player that is the one I recommend.

When buying a used instrument many times the original mouthpiece has been replaced by the previous owner so try to match the instruments name with the mouthpiece which in most cases will also be in the case.

For the more advanced player- you will have your own requirements and playing style so use your own judgment in this area. It’s like asking advice on which pair of shoes to buy- “It totally depends on what you want them for and how they feel”.

Where to buy Trumpet Mouthpieces

Buying a used Trumpet Mouthpiece

For a young player- Don’t do it. The cost of a new mouthpiece is not that expensive but if you must, check for these problems.

  1. Check the rim (the flat area which comes in contact with the lip). If there are any dents or scratches on the rim, DO NOT CONSIDER BUYING THIS MOUTHPIECE. This is where the comfort factor comes into play. Trumpet players do not and should not play on a rim which is scratched or dented.
  2. If the plating (silver or gold) has been worn down to the point that the brass is showing, DO NOT CONSIDER BUYING THIS MOUTHPIECE. Bare brass which comes in contact with the lip will in many times cause reactions or at least infection.
  3. If the shank (the part which is inserted into the instrument has been filed or sanded down, DO NOT CONSIDER BUYING THIS MOUTHPIECE. Many players will file down the shank to make adjustments to improve their sound. Also many times they file too much down and the mouthpiece will not fit properly in the instrument.
  4. Even with the most careful cleaning, you will always wonder just who played on this the last time and what his or her medical history was. DO NOT CONSIDER BUYING THIS MOUTHPIECE if you don’t know the person. Better yet- DO NOT CONSIDER BUYING THIS MOUTHPIECE.

Is it time to replace my current trumpet mouthpiece?

I can answer that very easily if you can answer these questions-

  1. How serious will your student be when practicing the instrument?
  2. How long will they continue on the instrument?
  3. How proficient will they become on the instrument?

The chances are very good that if the student continues to improve and becomes a better than average player, he or she will look into a mouthpiece change and at that time a professional should be contacted for recommendations.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

39 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide to Trumpet Mouthpieces- Reprinted from 2013

  1. Mahmoud salameh Reply

    I am a trumpet player from lebanon i want to know if there are a mouthpiece for high notes. plz informations

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Usually smaller mouthpieces will help in the upper register and will also limit your notes in the lower register.

      I like the following mouthpieces if you would like to try to work in both areas.

      Bobby Shew Jazz by Yamaha
      5*K4 or 4*K4 by Purviance
      14a4a by Schilke

  2. Spanky Gray Reply

    This is a great article! I just posted a link to your blog from my blog. If you want me to remove it, just let me know.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Thank you for your comments and I have no problem sharing trumpet information with others. As you say on your site (which I found very well done) we are all out here in the trenches together.

  3. Laura kay Reply

    Hi, I’m a pretty good cornet player on a Denis wick 4B and have recently started doing small ensemble playing on a trumpet, I’m using a Bach 11/2C and I struggle to swap between my cornet and trumpet (pitching notes mostly). I have a shank to use my cornet mouthpiece – is this a bad idea?! I don’t need to do anything special on my trumpet I just want to swap between more easily as I need to use both. Any ideas? Thanks

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      “I have a shank to use my cornet mouthpiece – is this a bad idea”?


      Why not stay on your cornet in your ensemble?

      There isn’t that much difference between the two anyway and you might as well make it easier on yourself.

      You will have to ignore the looks from the “politically correct” who insist that you HAVE to play a trumpet. I am choosing to play more cornet than trumpet every year.

      Be a leader and if anyone wants to discuss my recommendation, give them my address. I would love to compare credentials with them.

  4. Dick Dock Reply

    In most cases using a shank on a cornet mouthpiece is fine! Bunny Berigan used that combo and listen to his stuff on You Tube. Other outstanding brass players have done this as well. Don Reinhardt, a noted brass specialist, advocated using this setup.
    Do a little more research before you take peoples opinions as fact.

  5. Angel Kelly Reply

    I am a trumpet player and I have been playing the instrument for almost 5 years.
    I’m looking to get a deep dark tone, but i also want something that will help me in the higher register.
    Any recommendations?

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Higher range- smaller mouthpiece.

      Darker sound- add a Curry Sound Sleeve..

      And practice….

      Your question is asked often by many trumpet players and to improve your high range, it takes practice and to build a darker tone requires conscious effort not only in your equipment but also in your practice habits. A darker tone requires a more flexible lip which requires lip flexibility exercises. Increasing your upper range requires practice to firm your lips so it is a constant balance between the strong lip and the flexible lip.

      The best advice I can give is check out my articles which include the following words or terms-

      1. range
      2. tone
      3. flexibility
      4. Long-tones.

  6. Alex Banwart Reply

    I am a trumpet player in the eighth grade and am currently playing on the mouthpiece that came with my instrument: a Bach 7c, I want to maintain a darker sound but be able to hit higher notes without my lips getting tired so quickly, is there a mouthpiece you would recommend or some practice exercises to help with that?

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      A 7C Bach mouthpiece is the most often preferred mouthpiece for a player at you current level.

      The best way to improve your high register is to practice exercises which will gradually build your range and endurance.

      If you are truly practicing every day for at least 1/2 hour day on the proper material, with time, you will build you higher range as well as increase your endurance.

      If, after a reasonable amount of time your range has not improved, there are things you can do to increase your higher range. I have several posts dealing with increasing your high notes so be sure to check them out first.

      If, after reading the material, practicing every day, and you still have a problem……….

      try a Bach 5C which is a little smaller so you may be able to get a little higher without getting too much edge to your sound.

      If you want to darking your sound a little, be sure to try the Curry Sound Sleeve

      Unfortunately the best way to improve any part of your trumpet playing is to practice the correct material consistently and be patient. Some days your horn is your friend and some days it can be an enemy.

      Thanks for sending your question and if you still have problems, come back again and we can give you more specific information.

      The best to you and yours,

      • Alex Banwart Reply

        Thanks, I try to practice for at least 30 minutes every day. Thanks a lot!

      • Will Rochester Reply

        I an in a college jazz ensemble and have been on the 7c the entire time. No amount of practice has gotten me above the A above the staff and I’ve hit this roof for 5 years. I saw that a 5c may be a recommendation. Knowing my history is that a safe bet still? I’m sick of working at this for 5 years with no improvement.

      • David Reply

        That is the best advice. Dizzy said that some days you win, some days the horn wins. I’m 71 years s and have been playing only one year. You have more time ahead of you. Take it slowly. It will come. Just practice with intent. I’m using a Yamaha 11b4 which came with the fist horn I purchased. The Yamaha 2330. Now I’m
        Playing a Schilke b1 but I’m still using the Yamaha mouthpiece. I tried Bach 3c then a Denis wicke 5c. I fell into the mouthpiece chase and end up with my original Yamaha. Just take it easy.

  7. Joe Reply

    I am an adult beginner and I just bought an older bundy trumpet and it came with a 3c mouth piece, should I purchase a 7c or would the 3c be fine for a beginner? Great and very informative blog.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Good questions and first I would like to congratulate you on a wise decision to play trumpet; no matter what the age.

      The 7c Bach mouthpiece is the one most players recommend as a starting mouthpiece but as an adult we face different lip conditions than those of a fourth grader.

      If I were just starting on trumpet at my age (73) I would do better on a 3C than I would on a 7C. The 3C being larger will make it easier for you to get your first middle and low notes and the tone quality will be warmer and richer. Your will gain more flexibility on the 3C. So….you might ask- “what will I lose on the 3C that I would gain on the 7C”? The answer to that might be a little on the high range. This is most often the case but not always the case.

      If you are in an area where you have access to good trumpet players, I would also suggest that you contact one for advice or take a couple lessons to get started in the right direction. It will be important to get the best placement of the mouthpiece when you begin. Check out my posts on “mouthpiece placement” for sure. Getting started correctly will save much time and frustrations.

      Better yet….sign up for my online lessons at

      The best to you and yours and don’t forget, you do have to practice to get better.

  8. Dick Ruland Reply

    Bruce–I recently picked up my trumpet after some 20 years of small-group flugel playing. The results were not pleasant, probably due to over-blowing. None of my trumpet mouthpieces produced good results, but my flugel mouthpiece works pretty well. I actually like the sound of the trumpet with the flugel mouthpiece, but of course it doesn’t fit properly. So I need your help to decide whether to get an adaptor so I can play trumpet with the flugel mouthpiece or order a proper trumpet mouthpiece. If I go to a new mouthpiece, do most players try to match their flugel and trumpet mouthpieces? Do any players go that route? Will I lose something in range and flexibility playing trumpet with a flugel mouthpiece?

  9. Walt Trachim Reply

    Great article and advice.

    I am a former Marine Corps musician (1980-84, MOS 5541, the designation for a trumpeter who is in the Fleet Marine Force), and I had stepped away from playing for a number of years due to circumstances I had no control over. But I’m finally able at age 54 to pick it back up. I used to play on a Bach 1C, but it is just too big. I’ve been trying to figure out what to go back to, and I’m thinking a 5C would probably be a good choice, at least for now.

    I hope I’m right. And I will bookmark your blog. Lots of good stuff here.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Thank you for your service to our country and also your kind words.

      I have a few years on you and because of that fact, I can speak from experience that as we get older, we should expect some changes in out life style. This is also true with our equipment. When I was practicing every day in college, I could handle a big mouthpiece (Schilke 18) but now I’m playing on a Yamaha Bobby Shew, Jazz mouthpiece. Mt playing is more in shows at this time and in two weeks I’ll be performing Revel’s Borlero which will require a Schilke 15. As we get older, we usually gravitate to a smaller mouthpiece and you choice of a 5C seems to be ideal, depending on what kind of music you will be playing.

      Years ago, it was thought that the bigger the mouthpiece the better the sound and in some cases this was true but through the years I think that concept has changed. When I started college, the most respected sound was the Chicago Symphony sound. It tended to be on the dark side and through the years things started to move from “the dark side” (no pun intended) to the fuller and richer side (more overtones).

      If you are interested in a mouthpiece change, try to visit a music store which has a wide assortment of mouthpieces for you can’t decide unless you try them. When was the last time you saw a woman buy a dress off the rack without trying it on?

      Something else you may want to consider is a mouthpiece made by someone other than Bach. Many improvements have been made in the last decade and you may find a different maker would suite you better. I personally don’t like Bach mouthpieces because the rim is so rounded and puts more pressure on a smaller area of my lip. The Schilke line for me seems to be more comfortable, but that is just my opinion. If you can find a store with a wide assortment, plan on spending an afternoon checking them out.

      The trend still continues of using Mega mouthpieces so read up on those and if you can find one to try, be sure to do so.

      Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
      The very best to you and yours from all of America!

  10. Mm Gg Reply

    Hi my question is on U cups vs V cups,what are the diference on these 2 mouthpieces cups,lets say they are medium or deep U cups or V cups,,wich cup will help mantain a full warmer darker sound and still help not to miss the high notes?U or V?

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Very good question.

      The term used for what you call U cup is actually called a C cup although your letter seems to make more sense.

      C cups generally give you more resistance because of the shape of the bottom of the cup. These shapes generally help with the upper range and tend to give the player a brighter tone quality.

      The V shaped mouthpiece is similar to that of a French Horn mouthpiece and gives the player a very mellow and dark sound with far less back pressure.

      The early cornets made more use of this shaped cup than did the trumpets. Vincent Bach is usually credited with changing the V to a traditional C cup and with that change, both the cornet and trumpet became a more aggressive, edgier sounding instruments.

      Flugel horns usually have a more V shaped cup to give that horn a much darker tone.

      We all search for the mouthpiece which will do everything for us but as you gain in one area (darker tone) you have to give up something in the higher range.

      I would suggest that if you are trying to darken your tone and still keep your high notes, be sure to read my post

      This might be what you are looking for.

      • Mm Gg Reply

        Thank You Sir,,

  11. Will N. Reply

    Hi, I’ve been playing trumpet for about 6 years now and I have developed a pretty good dark and rich sound. I have also been able to play in the lower and higher registers with good tone but I have been using a 7c throughout the entire time and I was thinking about possibly changing my mouthpiece to something that would let me use more air and also let me be more flexible in my playing style. Do you have any recommendations or advice you could give me?

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      If you are happy with you sound and playing, why change!

      As far as flexibility, a larger mouthpiece would help. If the Bach (I assume) 7c works, you should have very little problem with changing to a 5C Bach and the added flexibility might be just what you are looking for. Changing to this mouthpiece should feel much better but don’t be surprised if you start to get a little more tire at first. That will improve in a short amount of time.

      Be sure to keep your 7C areound if you play in a jazz band for you might want the brighter sound with that ensemble.

      Good luck and keep practicing, there is no other way!

  12. Nick Reply

    Hi there and thank you for this most informative article. I am an adult, in my 40s, and started playing the trumpet last year. My trumpet has the 7C mouthpiece. I have big fleshy lips and they get tired quite easily. Is there another mouthpiece type that you would recomment in order to make it easier on my lips and help me obtaining the higher notes which now I find impossible to get? I am not looking for better sound, as I am a beginner, but rather something to facilitate my practicing given my age, level and type of lips. Thank you!

  13. Ashok shahani Reply

    I’m 59 yr old. I have Yamaha b flat trumpet with mouth piece 7 c Bach. I can’t play high notes easily. My sound is nice. My lower notes sound well
    Please suggest me a suitable mouthpiece. I would like to play higher octave notes easily.

    • Ashok shahani Reply

      I play in Bollywood india.

  14. charlesbeck Reply

    My lips are bigger than average for a trumpet player but i dont want my range to be absolutely terrible which mouth piece would make my life a little easier?

  15. Alyeska R. Reply

    I’ve been playing trumpet for about three years (I’m in 10th grade) and now play in three ensembles: a brass quintet, jazz band, and jazz combo. I’ve been playing on a Bach 7C for the entire time.
    My question is how do I know when I’m ready to switch to a new mouthpiece? I’m self taught, so I’m not really sure I have all the skills to switch or incorporate a new mouthpiece. Currently, I make a good second trumpet, but would love to be able to expand my high range. Should I just keep on with my now mouthpiece, or get a new one?

  16. Kwame Horns Reply

    Hi, I have been hearing many musicians(trumpeters) saying there is a particular mouthpiece to use depending on the type of music you are coming to play.
    please how true is that?

  17. Sherif Reply

    Hi,I have 40 years. play Trumpet about 24 years .my mouthpiece from 8 years is Bach 1-1/4C . I need biggest. want to know what the size can I play on it.

    Thak’s for you

  18. Alon Reply

    Im using today bach 3c
    And would like to move to parduba mouthpiece as i heard it double cup and easier to get to the high range notes
    Please advise if you do recommand this transition and what is the equal size to bach 3c?


  19. Wanderson Reply

    Olá eu sou professor de trompete da UEMG Brasil, tenho algumas perguntas!
    Mesmo usando um bocal grande sempre tive dificuldades em tocar notas graves tocava no 1.1 monette troquei por um Denis wick 3 E, achei muito confortavel, porém tenho dificuldades em controlar meus lábios se deram bem com os bocais com a letra “e” o que faço seria melhor trocar por 1E ou tentar insistir no 3E?
    Obrigado o blogue é excelente!

  20. Adam Smith Reply

    Hi there,

    I played the trumpet from the age of 8 to 14 and have recently decided to start playing again at the age of 45. To get me started, what material would you recommend I practice?

  21. Anthony Salt Reply

    Hi to everyone, I found this page trying to find out a mouthpiece size.
    I have been playing for years on and off since I was 8 and I’m 52 . I’m mainly self taught and more jazz orientated but I’ve played soul, funk, blues, gospel, ska, dub, reggae, ect at all sorts of venues from old people’s party’s and most kinds up to stadiums and festivals around the UK. I’m still and always will be learning the trumpet, along the way I have done various music courses and theory. I have a vast amount of knowledge regarding anything and all things Trumpet and Flugelhorn related, how they work, how they have evolved ect, I’m not saying that I’m anything special.
    But reading some of the posts on this page and the age of some of you I thought I would try to help you.
    Anyone under 25 don’t read this because I believe it is part of maturing with the trumpet.
    The person who has hit a wall that he has been trying to get over for 5 years.
    My view is that walls are a main part of playing the trumpet and I am sure that all trumpeters have come across them a few times and if they haven’t they have been lucky enough to pay for a good teacher regularly.
    Or they are not that interested in progressing much.
    You won’t like what I’m going to tell you to do but I have had to do it myself.
    Like mine your technique is wrong, I bet you are a great player and tried loads of different things that you have read about but still can’t get over the wall. You can bounce around every way on the Trumpet but stuck.
    Step back and restart. ( I’ve got to Go out), back if it let’s me.
    Play peddle tones as low as possible and for as long as possible, put as much lip into the mouthpiece and keep pushing more lip into the mouthpiece playing as long and as low and keep it up.
    Forget about any other practice and do this as many times in each day as possible for a week nothing else only this.
    The idea behind this is to make the correct muscles work and you should start feeling them working in your cheeks and dyaphram, keep the trumpet up straight and your mouth and lips pouting. Remember that you are retraining and loosing bad habits,
    The next week and everytime for the rest of your playing life before doing anything else on the trumpet spend 5 minutes on the peddle tones. But the second week do mid range scales and keep returning to the peddle tones every few minutes or after a scale run.
    The 3rd week increase your scales range but keep going back to the peddle tones.
    Don’t make any adjustments to how your lips and mouth feel and if you cannot feel your cheeks tighten stop doing what you are doing and start again and if you cannot feel your dyaphram working ( pushing the air from the part that your ribs come together) then stop doing what you are doing and start again.
    It is all about getting the cheeks and dyaphram working, when you feel them working you will understand that you wasn’t using the right technique and now you can tell how much further you can go and a lot easier.
    Before you could not find anywhere else go because you was pushing from the top of the chest and neck and your lips tight and probably turned in.
    This is not the answer for everyone but you sounded like I was.
    I could get a D or E above high C sometimes, but my veins on my neck would be sticking out an inch and I would be red and go dizzy after, I could never play above A just above the stave solidly and G was the last secure note because it was in the last open valves tone, , remember that the trumpet is constructed in a way that the open valves and 2nd valve semitone 1st valve wholetone and the 3rd valve tone and half ,so when you are playing your range is made up of steps, each step is a open valves tone and they get closer together the higher you play so the A above the stave is the same as the next open valves tone that is Bb, so how you blow that is the same as the other notes that use the valves below until you reach the next open valves tone below.
    These are the main walls that get in the way.
    Forget about the mouthpiece until you have sorted out the technique, if you feel like you have no where left to go and cannot tighten or push anymore then you are not doing it correctly.
    Do what I have said and keep going back to the peddle tones, when you are doing it correctly you will feel the muscles working and it should be straight away, be patient and if you can’t feel anything go back until you do.
    You should feel it all the time you are playing, be focused on that feeling until it is natural and you have forgotten how you used to do it. in two weeks you will be playing higher than ever before and easier and you will also understand that you have plenty of muscle and power available to go further.
    When you have done it you can pay me what ever you feel it was worth.
    Anthony Salt from Leicester England

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Thank you Anthony for your insight and I hope my readers read your instructions carefully and completely to understand your approach to playing.

      I would also like to inform my readers that I do not agree with your concept but each player has his own approach to the trumpet and to say you are wrong would be arrogant on my part. So, read what Anthony has shared, try it if you wish and let me know what you think. No one has all the answers!

      • John Reply

        I did these exercises all the time when I was playing at school. My teacher told me to.
        I had the best tone of anyone around and often I was asked what trumpet I used thinking the trumpet made the sound ( it was a student conn trumpet) at the time and had no problem with hitting the very high notes on a Bach 3 C ( which I moved to after 2 years of playing ) . High C and above at age 14 .
        I think in the end exercises , scales, practice all work.
        Unfortunately I’m also at back to square one at age 50 dusting of the old student trumpet. I’ll put in the practice and I think I’ll get these relatively quickly.

  22. Barb Crawford Reply

    Interesting article. You said you would address Flugelhorn mouthpieces, but where? That’s the information I seek! Where do I find that knowledge?

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