The Baton Is Mightier Than The Sword! The Downbeat Is Near.

Sometimes we feel as if all the hours of practice is to no avail. The late rehearsals and endless scales seem to be falling on deaf ears. Then, something like this happens and we realize that we are involved with one of the most powerful movements on earth…… “music”, and it is all worth the blood, sweat and tears we have shed.

I think it is time that we begin to reevaluate our place in the world as each newscast depicts killings, murders and endless atrocities around the world. We have entrusted the worlds safety to politicians of all parties, races, colors and sex and still we suffer under the hands of power-hungry villains only interested in promoting their own agendas.

Where are the musicians, now that we need a new rendition of “We Are The World”? Where are the film stars interested in saving starving children? Where are the concerned Billionaires who could save a complete nation with one swift stroke of a pen across a bottomless checkbook.

If a single donation from this small child could start a movement as impressive as this video illustrates, just think what semenax trial test gifted musicians around the world could possibly do to save the small, defenseless and less fortunate.

Our government is doing nothing to help the immigrants from Central America as they risk their lives trying to enter our country. Families are being separated in order for the parents to pack up their children and send them alone to another country for the chance they might have a better life.

It is time my fellow musicians to begin thinking of ways to help the less fortunate and pay back some of the talents we have been blessed with. We can no longer count on our government for they have failed miserably and I see no chance of improvement in the future.

If you feel as I do about this growing need for the betterment of mankind, PLEASE, send your suggestions to this post and through a combined effort we as musicians may be able to start a movement through music, to better this abominable situation we are in at this time in our history.

Send in suggestions and we may be able to help at least a few through our musical talents.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

3 thoughts on “The Baton Is Mightier Than The Sword! The Downbeat Is Near.

  1. Roderic Brawn Reply

    I by paying attention how we vote much can be done to change.

  2. Lewis B. Jones Reply

    Thanks you so much for your posts that you do on music, and what that can mean to the world at large. I would love to be caught off guard sometime by a musical flashmob. It would certainly change our attitude about how the rest of the day goes, if we were blessed by the talent of great musicians.
    A long time ago, over 55 years, I played cornet in a high school band, and worked my way up to first chair. A few years ago, I bought a used horn and started to play(?) again. It brings me a lot of joy to try to play, but, unfortunately, the lip and facial muscles are not what is needed to make it sound like I remember it should. Embouchure no longer resides in my vocabulary . So, that is the background that tells you why I enjoy your posts. I also have a son that went to Berklee College of Music in Boston, and has his own band called American Hi-Fi. I will be in Branson, Mo. this September, and would like to know if you will be playing in any of the shows there during the time I am there? I understand that you may not want to answer questions of this nature. But, I will continue to follow your posts. Thanks for keeping the music alive for all of us old horn players.

    • Bruce Chidester Reply

      Thank you for your comments and I will visit with you off line.

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