Product Review- “flowStick” and “flowDisk” for Trumpet

When I first came across this product, I was eager to find out what this item was promoting. After a couple Emails, my questions were to be answered; shortly after its (their) arrival. The following Claims has been recently posted on their Web site. 1.“Tool for Brass Instruments- Trumpet, trombone, cornet, french horn airflow and sound 2.Airflow training with music and the instrument- The flowStick makes it possible! 3.An airflow you can hear and feel 4.The bore of the flowStick is a sophisticated system with blowing edges inside for optimal feedback on the air intensity. 5.Flexible for everybody 6.The air consumption…

How to Develop Perfect Pitch in 5 Steps

As I stated before, the ability to develop Perfect Pitch is highly unlikely if you expect to be perfect all the time. Even those with Perfect Pitch have off days as I indicated in the previous post. Extenuating factors will affect your consistency but be assured, with practice; you should be able to improve dramatically. I wandered through the maze of claims this morning in search of the perfect routine to be using and found many sites which promised instant success on your road to Perfect Pitch. If they claim to have the “easy” answer to success, click out of…

Arban Trumpet Method – What is it?

Joseph Jean Baptist Laurent Arban (28 February 1825 – 9 April 1889) was a cornetist, conductor, pedagogue and the first famed virtuoso of the cornet à piston or valved cornet. He was influenced by Niccolò Paganini’s virtuosic technique on the violin and in an (arguably successful) attempt to “prove” the cornet as a true solo instrument, developed extreme virtuosic technique on the instrument.Born in Lyon, France, he studied trumpet with Francois Dauverné at the Paris Conservatoire from 1841 to 1845. He was appointed professor of saxhorn at the École Militaire in 1857, and became professor of cornet at the Paris…