My response to the discussion posted on TPIN There seems to be a flurry of excitement on the TPIN site about the comfort of your lip or the “rest as much as you play” discussion, and for that reason, I would like to add to the discussion. Everyone would like their embouchure (chops) to feel good all the time but unfortunately this is not always possible. Sometimes we have unrealistic deadlines (the 3:00 call to sub for a friend at the local club that night) or (the gig you thought was next week) or (the dance band you agreed to…
Before we get to the “How Do I’s”, I need to address a few questions which are seldom asked but are equally important: Why is it important to play in tune? Playing “out of tune hurts”. It doesn’t hurt the player but it certainly hurts the listener. If you watch television programs such as “American Idol” or “So You Think You’ve Got Talent” or some equally popular show, you have experienced the horror of amateur singers trying to make it big. When they land on an out of tune note for any length of time, we all seem to have…
“Where should I place my mouthpiece when I play my trumpet/cornet?” The placement of your mouthpiece can be affected in many ways. If you have scare tissue as I do, (a friend through a brick and hit me square on the chops) you will notice that the affected area does not vibrate as other tissues does. If your dental facial structure is less than ideal, (front teeth protrude or are highly irregular) you may encounter more comfortable or less comfortable areas to place the mouthpiece. The position of your jaw will also affect your mouthpiece placement. If the world was perfect…
Many times we are held back by our inability to read new material quickly and accurately. This weakness can surface while playing in a band, on a gig, or in a recording session. Some players seem to be able to read anything placed on their stand while others fumble with even the simplest passages. Teachers many times will explain to their students that the only way to improve their sight reading skills is to do more reading. While this is true, it doesn’t address the basic problems facing the student. I have learned that “just reading more new music” is not a…
As I stated before, the ability to develop Perfect Pitch is highly unlikely if you expect to be perfect all the time. Even those with Perfect Pitch have off days as I indicated in the previous post. Extenuating factors will affect your consistency but be assured, with practice; you should be able to improve dramatically. I wandered through the maze of claims this morning in search of the perfect routine to be using and found many sites which promised instant success on your road to Perfect Pitch. If they claim to have the “easy” answer to success, click out of…
We all have had moments when something pops into our minds which is disturbing enough to keep us up at night and for me, this is one of those moments. Several weeks ago, while searching for topics for this blog, I came across a video produced by Mr. Dave Monette. I first met Mr. Monette many years ago while he was visiting our campus and was very impressed with his knowledge, personality and his obvious passion for the trumpet. As I have stated in more than one blog, I have a great deal of respect for this man and for…
Sometimes the obvious can be overlooked as in the case of your hand position while holding your instrument. If you search on line for pictures or video of successful trumpet players, you will find a variety of hand positions ranging from the normal to several extreme positions. Each performer has settled into his/her favorite hand position because of habit or preference. Left Hand Playing Position I have included normal as well as unusual positions and will explain the advantages as well as the disadvantages of each. It is not my intent to try to influence anyone into any one position,…
Learn the trumpet fingerings with this easy to use Trumpet/Cornet Fingering Chart Cheat Sheet.
The terms “perfect pitch” or “absolute pitch” are well know to most musicians and are looked upon as great attributes possessed by only a select few. In reality, “it isn’t all that great”! As a member of this so called select few, I can speak from experience that, although at times it can be helpful, the inability to turn it on and off does cause problems. Advantages of Perfect or Absolute Pitch The following activities are made easier for a person with Perfect Pitch- Centering notes- With Perfect Pitch, you see and feel your notes before you play them and…
In order to answer this question, we must first ask an even more basic question. Why do we practice? This has an easy answer for most of us want to improve and we know that this is possible only through regular practice. If this is true, then why do we get tired of doing what helps us to become better musicians? Being older than dust has made me aware of many important truths in life and one is the fact that I want to play well for myself as well as for those listening to me perform. I have proven to…