Features to Consider when Buying a Trumpet

When deciding on which trumpet/cornet to buy, there are a few guidelines that need to be addressed. The bottom line cost is one of the most obvious questions for most people. Unless you are interested in the ultimate, hand fitted, custom made, work of art, one of a kind horn, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $2,500 for a quality instrument. When I speak of the ultimate, one of a kind trumpet, I am reminded of a situation many years ago when a college first told me about  his friend who was making truly one of a kind,…

The Definitive Guide to Trumpet Mouthpieces- Reprinted from 2013

Trumpet Mouthpieces – Getting Started Most instrument manufacturers also make mouthpieces which are produced under their own name and are included with the purchase of their instrument. Beginning trumpet and cornet players will not need to go through the endless quest to find the perfect mouthpiece as the more experienced players often do for the younger player needs to be more concerned with basic practice habits and steady improvement on his/her instrument and less concerned with what Mr. Trumpet player uses to play his style of music. To be perfectly honest, if I’m asked what is the best trumpet mouthpiece,…

Personal Embouchure Training Device Review

The concept promoted by the Personal Embouchure Training Exerciser is not new for we have known of the basic concept for a long time. This exercise was first shared with me by an old circus cornet player many years ago. Years later it was shared again when I played under Merle Evans in the Ringling Barnum and Bailey Circus. Mr. Evans shared two exercises which had used for building his “chops” while on the road directing the circus. The first exercise begins with a telephone directory. Select about a half inch of pages from the center of the directory. While bending…

Trumpet – Brass or Silver Finish?

Should I get a silver or brass finish on my trumpet? This decision is not the same as deciding on a color for your new car. Color and finish are two different issues when deciding on the surface of your new trumpet. Many people decide on the silver because it “looks” cool. Many believe that the brass finish is too similar to the student horn’s finish they are trading up from. The decision between the brass and the silver can be made easier by reviewing the following questions and my responses to those questions. What difference is there between silver…

Cheap Trumpets- Are there such things?

Many people are in need of information on what trumpet would best suite their needs, whether it be for their child or for their own use. For that reason I have previously posted information on selecting a new instrument. This posting was written to help the individual who may not want to buy a new instrument and would like to know where and how to look for a used instrument. There are several areas one could search for a trumpet and I will try to list these areas as well as cover the advantages and disadvantages of each source. In…

Trumpet Accessories for Beginners

Accessories which are designed and sold for the trumpet player can be as endless as fashion accessories available to women. Each is professed to be absolutely essential for a good performance. And in the same way some fashion accessories in women are useful and sometimes just stupid, so it is true in the trumpet world. In order to simplify the many offerings, I will divide them into two categories – “must have accessories” and “nice to have accessories”. “Must Have” Trumpet Accessories for Beginners Trumpet cleaning kit- Most manufacturers include a cleaning kit with the new instrument. This kit will contain the following items-…

Best Selling Brands of Trumpets

I would like to use the automobile selection as an illustration. Is the Toyota the best car on the road? Possibly, possibly not, but from past experience and sale records, it does prove that there are many people satisfied with the Toyota automobile. I happen to have two in my garage and have been very happy with my decision. Even with the recalls on some of their models, Toyota still out sells all others. Why is that? The people who drive them are satisfied with them and continue to recommend them to their friends. So is the case of trumpets.…

Curry Sound Sleeve Mouthpiece Tone Intensifier – Review

(The following is taken from their home page) Standard Sound Sleeve is best for all-around work, balanced to give the right amount of slot-lock and sound centering qualities. Sound Sleeve “Y” model fits slightly higher up on the shank to accommodate the longer Yamaha andBenge trumpet receivers. Lead Sleeve is designed for upper-register playing, where you want a maximum amount of control without hindering high notes. It weighs nearly as much as the standard Sound Sleeve, but since it’s mass is distributed over a greater length, it’s effects are more subtle. MEGASLEEVE is designed for players that want to add that Heavy-weight…

Product Review – Yamaha PM7 Silent Brass System Pickup Mute

Created by Yamaha’s wind instrument design team, the PM7 Silent Brass pickup mute is made of lightweight plastic, with a unique rubber sealer to hold it securely in the bell. When used with the Silent Brass system, it has none of that stuffy restricted feeling of conventional practice mutes. In fact, it blows so close to a natural open horn that you simply won’t believe it until you actually experience it for yourself. Play high or low, loud or soft, and your pitch will remain true and centered. A special microphone inside the mute relays your sound to the Personal Studio. Product…