Super Chops in 30 Days!

Take my New Year’s challenge and develop strong chops in 30 days……

For the past several years I have been plagued with continuous health problems which have limited my ability and desire to practice on a regular basis.

It started five years ago with damage to my left shin which produced severe nerve damage to that area requiring me to be on a pain killer (Gabapentin) for the past five years. Then while performing on a show in Branson (see photo above) three years ago, I sustained a heart attack which required several procedures which included medications as well as placing two stints adjacent to my heart. Then two years ago I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer which required many weeks of radiation treatments. After I was released for the cancer problem, I had two angioplasty procedures to find any blockage in my circulatory system which was hindering my blood flow. My next procedure was an ablation to try to regulate my heart rhythms. Most recently I was treated for multiple blood clots in my right leg which put me on my back for two weeks. Needless to say my regular trumpet practicing had to be put on hold during this time which gets me back to the reason I have written this lengthy post.

The constant leg pain of five years has been corrected by regular lasar treatments which have completely eliminated any leg pain.

The cancer has been resolved as is the irregular heartbeats. Through the use of blood thinners, the blood clots have begun to dissolve. So….I think it is about time with the New Year upon us to make a New Year’s resolution which is to get back to regular practicing again.

In the following posts, I will give you my approach to trumpet practicing from one of the lowest points in my trumpet playing career to an acceptable level of playing during this 30 day time line.

My next series of posts will give you a play by play account of my practice routine as I begin to rebuild my trumpet playing ability.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

2 thoughts on “Super Chops in 30 Days!

  1. Dan Leeman Reply

    Hi Bruce,
    Glad to hear your health is making a comeback! I think your “comeback series” of posts is inspirational. You’re really walking the talk. Best of luck to you in your health and trumpet playing journey!

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