Sheet Music for Trumpet- Free

Budgets are tight and still we need material to practice. I have been searching the Internet for some time and have collected a large source of sites which offer free music for the trumpet. Some are good and most are a waist of time. I have selected my top thirteen sources for free music written for, or adaptable for trumpet use. If, after reading this post you have additional sites to suggest, please send your information to me and I will update my listings on a later post. These listings are from the best to the less valuable, indicated with stars (*****= best).

This, although dated, is one of the best sources for free trumpet material. Not only has Mr. Lichtmann included trumpet solos, and study material, but he also offers many brass ensembles arrangements as well. *****

This site features twenty free arrangements for trumpet ensembles which includes various styles as well as study material. I highly recommend this site, even if it is one of mine. *****
Please note that Free Sheet Music-Remembering Newtown, Connecticut- Trumpet Choir is no longer offered for free.

You will be overwhelmed by the number of offerings at this site. Working your way through all of the listed offerings will take you some time but once you become familiar with the format, you will have access to a vast amount of free material. Many of the arrangements are offered in Finale format which means you can download them into a Finale program and alter them to fit your needs, *****

This is another large collection of trumpet solos. Some are Classical material and many are from both professional as well as armature composers. When you have found something of interest, click on the picture, then on the PDF file to download your music. *****

The National Library of Congress will offer you an enormous source for sheet music. Most will be written for piano and voice but if you can transpose, you will have more than enough material for your earlier music needs. *****

Great amount of quality music here. *****

This site offers a large collection of trumpet solos and ensembles which include trumpet. You will have to spend some time going through all of the levels to find the trumpet material. Navigating through the searches will be your biggest problem. ****

This site features a few unaccompanied trumpet solos. They could make fine material for practicing. ***

You’ll find a few trumpet solos at this site. Most are very short but could be of benefit to you. View the material by selecting the number and clicking on “Letter pdf file. **

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

One thought on “Sheet Music for Trumpet- Free

  1. Tom Reply

    Thank you for providing this; although I’m a beginning trumpet player, I find much of the practice material[simple tunes] provided in books to be too silly or simple. Your lists make it much easier to find material without paying a bunch for it.

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