Returning Home With Honor- The Branson Trumpet Ensemble

flagI wrote this number to recognize the people who give so much to our country and who do it in such an unselfish manner. I’m speaking of course of the members of our armed services.

This video was recorded at our local college and I hope you enjoy this small token of our gratitude to those who spend their lives making sure that we continue to live in the greatest country on earth.

Thank you from the Branson Trumpet Ensemble and the free people of the United States of America.

Returning Home With Honor- The Branson Trumpet Ensemble

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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