With the support of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, this ensemble took part in the 1988 International Competition for Brass Quintets in Narbonne, France, where it won first prize. The quintet has played a major role in expanding the modern repertoire of brass quintets. Since its founding, it has commissioned and premiered more than 50 compositions. The ensemble is considered one of the world’s leading brass ensembles and plays at festivals such as the Kissinger Sommer and the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, and recently also at the Lower Saxony Music Days. The members give master classes at music academies and…
Just Got An Update From Our Friends at the Villages Trumpet Ensemble in Florida.
This was sent to us from our good friend Corky Maschinot The pictures below show the way we were several years ago, and how we are today. Most, but not all members are pictured here. We total 26 when all are present. To learn more about this talented ensemble, check…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 7)
Short but helpful suggestions: Handling the hose- To keep from being strangled to death with your hose, run it from your machine over the back of the headboard and down to your pillow. In this way it is controlled and you will not fight it all night as you move…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 6)
Do you have to use your machine every night? NO! Knowing that involuntary habits can actually be retrained made me wonder if the Bipap/Cpap therapy is something that needs to be continued indefinitely. My answer to that question (in my case) is an emphatic No! I began my test to…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 5)
#1 Complaint- Dry mouth After visiting with other sufferers of Sleep Apnea, the most consistent complaint seemed to be dry mouth. The dryness in my mouth each morning was so severe that I eventually developed a lesion in the back of my throat which progressed into a serious problem. After…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 4)
Setting up the equipment The next step after gleaning this useless information was to receive your own machine which will solve all of your Sleep Apnea problems. My first question at that time was, “How can an involuntary action (apnea episodes) be retrained to become voluntary actions”? I was assured…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 3)
Results not accurate My experience during my sleep test can only be described as exceedingly uncomfortable. Throughout the night, I was forcibly ventilated through the mask covering my mouth and nose. Repeatedly I was told that it would eventually normalize to my natural breathing pattern but unfortunately it never did.…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 2)
Testing Begins Once your physician suspects you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea, you are sent to a specialist who will isolate you in a small chamber to evaluate your breathing patterns in order to assign settings for your next level of testing. This next procedure is to simulate your…
Sleep apnea – What they don’t tell you! (Part 1)
For those not familiar with this condition, read the following- Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and can occur many times during the night. The three main types of sleep…
Trumpet High Range Development- Part 4….. “Will I ever be able to play a double high C”?
If you have normal physical components- Yes If you are determined to practice properly to achieve this goal- Yes If your are patient enough to be satisfied with small, consistent increases over time- Yes If you are willing to accept bad days and cherish the good days- Yes If you…
“Free” 100 Melodic Studies in Transposition by Reginaldo Caffarelli
100 Melodic Studies in Transposition by Reginaldo Caffarelli