The past year has had many unexpected turns which can test one’s faith and understanding of life. April of last year began unexpectedly when it was discovered that my wife had developed cancer in her right eye. After its extraction we were faced with the saddening fact that the cancer had already moved to her liver. We began immune therapy with a new drug developed especially for liver applications. Unfortunately, it had no effect in her case, so she then began a new treatment which she is continuing at this time. Her doctors have kept track of her condition through…
23 Years and Still Going Strong!
Twenty-three years may not seem like a long time to remain in the same job or be married to the same person but when speaking of the longevity of a band, this is incredible. The History and Future of Grand Marquis The Grand Marquis band started in 1998 with a…
Things to Consider After You Get the Job
Don’t complain about your leader/conductor- at least where he/she can hear you. Don’t give advice unless you are asked. Never hire a sub better than yourself. If play a second part in an ensemble, never criticize the first chair player. When warming up, never try to see how high you…
What Does it Take to Become a Professional Musician?
What Constitutes a Professional Musician? A professional musician is one who plays an instrument or several instruments proficiently; performing is their primary source of income. What Constitutes an Amateur Musician? An amateur musician is one who loves playing music or one who cultivates something as a pastime. If you happen to be described by the…
The Best Easter, Ever!
This Easter I had the pleasure of performing with two of my Grand Kids; Jake Kunkle (percussion) and Zach Kunkle (trumpet). What a thrill to have now three generations of very skilled musicians in the family.
Gap or Not To Gap, That is a Question- Part II
As if the previous post was not more information than needed on mouthpiece gap, here is another element to consider.
Gap or Not To Gap, That is a Question
This video is very well done and if you have always wondered what a gap was and how it affects you horn, I think you will find this very interesting. I totally agree with this demonstration.
Comeback Player Questions
I received this message this past week and because of the house full of family I am a little behind on my posts. I would like to thank this gentleman for his questions and due to the fact that many have indicated that they were also “comeback” players, I thought…
You Raise Me Up – Trumpet Ensemble
From time to time we have readers send in recordings of our music and this young man was kind enough to take the time to prepare our arrangement of “You Raised Me Up”. We would like to thank Javed for his recording and it looks as if we have…
Easier Way to Copy Solos and Make Record Copies
For years we have tried to copy outstanding solos and wonderful orchestral scores from recordings but the time taken for this laborious task was far greater than anyone wanted to spend. With the introduction of digital control, things got a lot easier. Even with digital recordings we still have to go…
Grand Reopening a Success !
Trumpet Ensemble Music Celebrates 2021 We would like to thank our supporters for visiting our new and improved Trumpet Ensemble Music site. From the time we reopened on January 8th till this morning, we have sent out over 500 orders to our visitors from 83 different countries. “You are invited to…