Still My All-Time Favorite Brass Ensemble- The King’s Brass

My last post dealt with my favorite trumpet players and today’s post is similar, but this time I would like to introduce you to my favorite brass ensemble, the King’s Brass. This was the brass ensemble that influence me into forming my first trumpet ensemble. I have followed the King’s Brass from its very beginning and had predicted from the start that they would eventually reign supreme in the brass ensemble field. Many will disagree with my opinion, but the prediction I made many years ago has proven correct. Few ensembles are able to combine a religious message with outstanding programming and tasteful musicianship as the King’s Brass has done through all these years. Great brass ensembles have formed and most have folded, but the King’s Brass continues to tell their story and amazing their audiences throughout the world.

I salute Mr. Zimmerman’s vision and perseverance in a field seldom conquered with such flare and musicianship. “To God be the glory” and to Tim Zimmerman and the King’s Brass go our deepest appreciation.

The primary mission of the King’s Brass is to spread the Gospel and encourage other believers. However, the mission is actually multi-faceted and can be best expressed through the goals set by the members.

Goals of the King’s Brass

GOSPEL Present the good news of life through Jesus Christ at every concert.

WORSHIP Lead people in worship. By the end of each concert, people should have their hearts focused on Jesus Christ.

EXCELLENCE Present musical excellence at all times. We should not be embarrassed to perform for other musicians who attend our concerts. Our music must always communicate to our audience, but never at the expense of quality programming and music.

BRASS Encourage brass playing and players in the church. Show them that brass can be used as a valuable vehicle for leading congregations in worship.

GROWTH Encourage personal development. Each player should be a better musician, person and Christian as a result of being a member of the King’s Brass.

ENJOYMENT Enjoy our tours. If we don’t, let’s stop. Life is too short to not enjoy it all. Let’s have fun!

TIM ZIMMERMAN – Director of The King’s Brass, Trumpet


SUNGHWAN KIM – Keyboards


CASEY KLINT – Trombone




PAUL MILLETTE – Percussion

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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