Join HI-YR-BY-A-THIRD today! Lesson 1 (Part #2)

Those that have been with us from the beginning of this project should be able now to play down into the pedal range with ease, at least down to the notes that make your lips a little puffy after you are finished. The reason you should not start playing right away after the pedal tones is that your lips are susceptible to damage because of the extreme relaxation they have gone through. It is very important to rest the suggested 15 minutes before you begin the higher or part two of this exercise.

Those who have just found us and are interested in working with us, you will have to refer to the first posting and gradually catch up with the others in your class.

Lesson #1 is our instructional lesson and once we are through the second half of Lesson #1, we will be posting a new lesson once each week to keep our progress continuing. I suggest that you visit my Facebook page and mark “Like” so that you will be notified as each of these lessons are posted. You can find my Facebook page at this address.

At the present time, we have approximately 160 followers a day following our project and the number is increasing each day. Comments are beginning to come in and if you have any questions about your progress, please feel free to post your comment on our page. As we get questions and/or comments, I will answer them for the comments from one person will be the same questions others may have.

Your assignment today is the second section of lesson #1. To make this a little easier, I have again recorded your notes in the same manner as the pedal tones. Listen to the first note for four measures and repeat it in the next for measures. Notice that starting your higher notes “cold” may be more difficult than working up to them as your later exercises will do. If you have problems getting to your previously high note which was dated on your Practice Sheet, do not be concerned for the next two or three lessons will be easier for you.

Your formula for success-

Once you begin to feel fatigue setting in or too much mouthpiece pressure starting to build, begin to cut back on the amount of time you are playing and increase the time at rest on your highest note, i.e.

• Play four measures and rest four measures
• Play three measures and rest five measures
• Play two measures and rest six measures
• Play one measure and rest seven measures

As you gain strength and ease, work back to the original pattern, ie.

• Play one measure and rest seven measures
• Play two measures and rest six measures
• Play three measures and rest five measures
• four measures and rest four measures

Then move up to your next target note and practice the same pattern.

Download recorded exercise for part #2, lesson #1 here- High Range Lesson #1 Part 2

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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