Is There A God and Can He Perform Miracles? Part 1

The past year has had many unexpected turns which can test one’s faith and understanding of life.

April of last year began unexpectedly when it was discovered that my wife had developed cancer in her right eye. After its extraction we were faced with the saddening fact that the cancer had already moved to her liver. We began immune therapy with a new drug developed especially for liver applications. Unfortunately, it had no effect in her case, so she then began a new treatment which she is continuing at this time. Her doctors have kept track of her condition through imaging and regular treatments which were expected to extend her life but not eradicate the cancer. The night before her regular scan, I prayed that the cancer be completely taken from her body. The next day she had her scan, and it was found that she no longer had any cancer in her body…… She will be continuing her immune therapy for a while, but I anticipate that if nothing shows up in future scans, she will be able to discontinue her treatments.

Now for the rest of the story.

A heart attack while performing a show in Branson several years ago began my experience coping with health issues. For seven years I experienced an amazing string of health concerns including a heart attack, prostate cancer, massive verve damage, extreme sleep apnea, heart ablations, two stints, transient global amnesia, as well as a few minor discomforts such as internal bleeding and blood clots. After this seven-year period, I experienced a short relief of good health. My only concern was that someone in our family may start to experience similar health conditions. This is when my wife first found out that she had cancer……

At the end of her first year of treatment, it was again my turn for an unidentified mass was detected in my upper right lung. After months of conversations with several doctors, it was suggested that the upper lobe of my right lung should be removed. This is the most common procedure for most patients, but unfortunately for me, after my heart attack, I was informed that I had lost half of my vital capacity which would mean that removing one-quarter of my lungs would require me to be on oxygen 24 hours a day. This was not a pleasant picture. I had three Ct, PT scans done of the mass in my right lung. The second image showed that it had tripled in size from the first to the second scan in five months. This past week, I had my third scan and the night before the procedure, I prayed; as I had in my wife’s case, that the cancer be gone in my body. The scan done three days ago indicated that the mass has almost disappeared….. My surgery has been postponed, and another scan is scheduled in three months.

Any questions?

Some say that my wife’s immune therapy was the reason her cancer was eliminated, but complete eradication was not even considered a possibility by her doctors. Immune therapy prolongs life but could not have vanquished the cancer.

In my case, I have had no treatment at all from the time my cancer was first detected until now when it is almost gone. In both of our cases, the sudden change occurred the day after I prayed.

This constitutes the first half of my account of our experiencing two miracles in our lives. If you are impressed with this account of the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be even more interested in my thoughts for the reason we are now cancer free or nearly so.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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