How to Choose the Right Music for Your Wedding

We recently were approached by one of our readers by the name of Ronald Ross who volunteered to submit material pertaining to the selection of music for any upcoming weddings.

We want to thank Mr. Ross for his contribution and be sure to visit his blog at Loud Beats for more interesting features.

How To Choose the Right Music for Your Wedding

It is a tough job to plan a wedding and it requires patience and ability to innovate instantly. Right from the beginning to the end, you are peppered with an endless number of snags and many choices. The better you are able to choose, the faster you can get things done.

In fact, something as simple as wedding music is a topic for much deliberation and thought. You can potentially have endless discussions on how to put them in a list and how to go all about it.

So, here are some suggestions to breeze you through the entire thing!

  1. Start Working Early

When you are planning for the music, it is best if you don’t do anything at the eleventh hour. The best way to go about it is to be at least a couple of months early. This will give you more than ample time to make your lists, merge them and select the best ones!

Music is quite important for a wedding. You need to listen to each of the songs carefully and then select them. This process can get really drawn out, so the earlier it begins the smaller problems it will create.

  1. Ask for Suggestions

Don’t forget to take a look around. Ask for all your relatives and your partner’s relatives’ suggestions. You will definitely discover something new and something wonderful in each song and the story that lies underneath each choice.
And if you plan on playing a favorite of everyone, you will get the chance to see happy faces of everyone in the room, remembering their own time with the music. In that list of songs, you just might find out your perfect one.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid of Taking the Path Not Taken

At the end of the day it is your wedding so you need to decide for yourself. And if that means crossing boundaries and venturing into the different, don’t worry about it. Wedding is yours so do it the way you want.

You want a band, get a band! You think the DJ rocking on a turntable is the one for your wedding then do it that way. Feel free to explore every possible direction before settling for something. Make sure that your wedding day is the most memorable one in your life.

  1. Select Songs That Are Ambient and Give Meaning to Your Special Day

You obviously have the right to play whatever you want at your wedding and you don’t have to worry about anything at all. But still give a little thought for your wonderful guests who have graced you with their presence at your special day. But don’t get so worked up about being unique that you forget that you have to make it comfortable for others also. So, choose your songs graciously.

  1. The Last Dance Is One of The Most Remembered

The finale is always worth remembering. Everybody looks forward to it. And well choosing a song for this is really a task in itself. You and your partner are going to remember this song as your song and will cherish for the times to come. This is a thing to be felt from the heart and not something to take from a top ten wedding songs list. It symbolizes the final steps to the beginning of a new journey that will fill you with happiness. Surely this dance deserves something different and mesmerizing.

So, take your time and figure things out through trial and error. Do things your way and have no regrets regarding your choices.

Author profile:

Ronald has always loved to write on a variety of topics. He shares his reviews about various musical instruments on his blog Loud Beats.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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