To most people my age, and there still are a few left, this cry from the masked man mounted on his pure white horse named silver, brings back fond memories of earlier times. To the younger people, it means there is a new motion picture in town and many may wonder if it is worth spending money to see it.
My wife and I saw the film and loved it. All reports we read indicated that it was going to be a bomb and we were pleasantly surprised when we saw it.
If you are looking for a truly authentic and historically factual story, you will be disappointed. But if you want to spend three hours enjoying tongue in cheek type of humor, I suggest you go see it for even the less knowledgeable will enjoy the scenery, music, and acting throughout the film.
I was so impressed with the production that I returned home and arranged two versions of the famous Lone Ranger Theme (1812 Overture by Rossini). The first will be posted in the morning on our sister blog- trumpetensemblemusic.com and the second will follow two days later. The first was written for the younger players and has been simplified as well as slowed down in order for it to be possible for the less experienced. The second was arranged for an advanced performer and requiring double tonguing and a comfortable “high C”.
No matter what your ability, I welcome you to check this famous solo out and decided which one works best for you.