From time to time we run across something new. Some are good ideas and most are bad. This is an exception for I found the design not only unique but also a new concept which might catch on.
Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.
The most interesting and most useful part of this design is the quarter steps. They would be especially helpful in jazz and could expand the repertoire of the solo trumpet. The two timbres is also an interesting concept. What I would like added to the trumpet is a longer slide. I have seen these put on various styles of horns but not combined with all of this. In order to make this horn practical enough for people to pay the price it would cost to buy one I think the range has to be expanded as well. No trumpeter is ever content with his range so if the trumpet itself adds to the range it makes it very desirable. I would like to see tubing added to this horn to expand on pedal tones and if possible to play them in key. Very well done!
It reminds me of a Shew horn and a Harrelson trumpet. What is the cost and where can you buy one?
Bobby performed with my jazz ensemble many years ago and blew me away.
His Shew Horn is featured on several of his Face Book pages.
AS far as the cost of this horn, I have no idea or even if it is available for sale.
I think it was one of those, “one of a kind” projects.
The most interesting and most useful part of this design is the quarter steps. They would be especially helpful in jazz and could expand the repertoire of the solo trumpet. The two timbres is also an interesting concept. What I would like added to the trumpet is a longer slide. I have seen these put on various styles of horns but not combined with all of this. In order to make this horn practical enough for people to pay the price it would cost to buy one I think the range has to be expanded as well. No trumpeter is ever content with his range so if the trumpet itself adds to the range it makes it very desirable. I would like to see tubing added to this horn to expand on pedal tones and if possible to play them in key. Very well done!
Great idea!
As a composer, it would be wonderful to add a few notes to the lower end in order to gain a darker sound to an ensemble.
Thanks for your comments and stop back often.