Have You Ever Considered Playing A Medium Bore Trumpet/Cornet?

Now that is a question that I am sure you have never been asked!

Most selections of bore size are limited to either large bore or extra-large bore and an option of a small bore or even a medium bore never enters the picture.

Here is a quote from the Bundy instrument manufacture ring company. “The Bundy trumpet’s large bore makes it easy for a beginner to blow”.

And here is a quote from the well-known music store Musicians Friend. “For new, and especially young players, a horn with a small bore is more appropriate because the small bore makes it easier to support a good tone”.

No wonder parents have a difficult time knowing which bore size would be best for their child!

After checking the fifteen most popular brands of trumpets listed on Woodwinds-BrassWinds site, all listed medium large or large bore horns only. So, if small or medium bore horns are good for younger players, why can’t we find the small and medium bore horns on the net?

You can and here is where you need to look…..


Six Bb horns are available in small to medium bores.

Now I will describe my experience playing a medium bore cornet and how it compares to playing the larger horns.

Major differences noticed while playing a medium bore instrument.

Remember this is comparing the attributes of a cornet, not necessarily a medium bore trumpet.

1. Phrases last longer. This has been a great help to me after losing half of my vital capacity due to my recent heart attack.

2. The added restriction due to the small bore has improved my upper register. I have gained at least three or four half steps on top.

3. Slurred passages are more connected and smoother.

4. Tone has darkened in the soft passages and still has some edge in the louder sections.

5. Endurance is noticeably increased.

6. Soft passages are easier to control with fewer cutouts.

7. Legato tonguing is much softer while staccato and sharp articulations are more difficult.

When reviewing these advantages, it makes since that a small or medium bore would be a better choice for a young player than the more popular medium large or large bore instruments.

Let me know what you think…..

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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