Seldom are we able to offer free material of this quality to our readers. This collection of 40 studies is available at the site listed below and is in public domain which means its content can be freely distributed without any infringement in copy rite laws.
I have used this fine collection for many years in my teaching as well as my practicing and feel that even paying the full price ( $15.00 ) is a good deal but being able to download it free is even better.
Click on the link below and where it indicates “complete Score” click on it and print for yourself some of the best melodic etudes money can buy, or get free.
40 Etudes for trumpet (cornet)
Composer- Vurm, Vasily
Movements/Sections- 40 Etudes
Style- Romantic
Instrumentation- trumpet (cornet)
Hi Bruce! I cant say I remember you, but I was 3rd section trumpet 1968,69. Marching, stage, and concert. I do remember Clark Terry, and Stan Kenton, or like he said some called him Cant Standhim! Heard Clark is blowin in heaven as of jan 2015. One by one. Just saw Doc Severinsen in Pinecrest Fl April 9. Hes 88 and still loud ,sceamin , and sharp witted. Made me get out my Getson Eterna Severinsen silver trumpet out and play again.100th of Docs blowin!! Oh well
I started at UNI in 69 and remember getting down with Clark at Jim Coffins house after one of his concerts. What a great man and outstanding player.
As far as Kenton, one of my best friends from Branson is currently on tour with the Mike Vax/ Kenton band this week.
I gave Doc a tour of the campus at Northern Illinois University and all he was interested in were the coeds.
Great to hear from you and your name rings a bell, but I’m not sure we made contact either.
I owned two Getzen back then as well as my Schilke.
The Getzens were great if you ever got into a bar fight; they were built strong and heavy!
You would have known Keith Johnson, Jack Grahm, Dr. Dave Kennedy, Carl Holvick. Great people to work with.
Thanks for your message and the very best to you and yours.