Do I have to go to college to learn to be a good trumpet player?

Many times people ask, “Is it is necessary to go to a college or a university in order to learn to be a good trumpet player”? I will try to explore as many reasons why a college education can help you become a better player as well as point out alternative ways to accomplish the same goal.

Let’s first look at some areas where we can begin to reach our objective.

“I have just graduated from high school and I want to be a professional trumpet player, what do I have to do next”?

1. Military service

Now that you have graduated from high school, where do you go from here? One possibility would be a military service career. The advantages of military experience is very similar to that gained be studying at a university and I will list those advantages below.

1. Through your time in the service, you will be playing your horn regularly.

2. You will be expected to improve during your time in the service.

3. Contacts will be made which can be of use to you when you leave the service.

4. You should be exposed to better players than yourself.

5. Unlike college, the time you spend in the service will generate benefits and income.

6. Your wardrobe expenses will be cut substantially.

2. Free lance musician

Due to the fact that you will have to locate in an area which will support your ambitions, you will have to move to a larger area such as Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, etc. You wouldn’t find a lot of work for a trumpet player in Waxahachie, Texas these days.

Breaking into the scene in any large city has it’s own problems also. The best way to get “connected” in a new area is do what we all did, find the most respected and working trumpet player in the area and start taking lessons from him/her. You need to be seen as well as heard in order to get started in a new location. Usually your new teacher will, if he/she likes you, will begin to give you the jobs they don’t want to play, ie. out of town, no money, bad band, etc. In the beginning you will have to take every job offered to you in order to prove yourself. This is what they mean by “paying your dues”. Gradually you will start working your way up the ladder until you are able to make a living. In order to accomplish success in this area, you will have to be proficient in reading, improvising and even possibly singing. You will be expected to be dependable, always showing up a half hour before every gig and own at least one black suite and a white shirt. Make sure you own every trumpet mute  invented even though you will seldom use them in a real band. If you are to play with what we call a “sweet” band, ie. Guy Lombardo type, bring all of your mutes and practice every style of articulation.

3. Classical music

There are several areas in the classical music field where you might start your career and your selection will first be determined by your desire and ability. If you have a strong desire to play in a professional orchestra, you will need to prepare yourself with the knowledge of the literature, the style of the many different periods as well as related issues such as transposition and the ability to play trumpets of various keys. The availability of trumpet positions can vary considerably. If you expect to perform in one of the major symphonies immediately out of high school, you will be very disappointed. I’m sure that it has happened but without a well established reputation, your chances are very slight. Positions in major symphonies are many times decided before the audition is announced.

4. Starting Your Own Business

There are many advantages as well as disadvantages in starting your own business. Most advantages deal with your independence, possibly larger income and the control of your own destiny. Disadvantages would include large expenses, endless hours of work, having to count on musicians showing up on time or even showing up and constantly promoting your ensemble or service. For the right person this can be very rewarding. If you are an out going personality who can charm anyone into anything and you are willing to take risks, go for it. If you are on the more reserve, shy side, forget it. You will not succeed.

5. Going to a College/University

As I mentioned earlier, your time spent and contacts gained in military service are very similar to those achieved in a college or university setting. Some additional benefits to a college education would include-

1. A broader exposure to music literature and history.

2. More personal contacts in the music field.

3. A degree which might be of benefit to you if your performance career does not work out.

4. Your education in many different areas will be a benefit to you in life.

In closing, I would like to stress to you that even though many TV show personality will tell you “You can do and be anything you set your mind to”, chances are they have never played trumpet. Making a full time living playing trumpet is tough and can be a real struggle. If you are talented enough to reach the top of the pile, your career may be only a bar fight away from ending. You may be able to play a quadruple high X, but if the economy falters, you may be replaced next week by pre-recorded tracks.

Just remember one thing, “Keep practicing”.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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