“Concentus Trumpet Ensemble”- Our New Friends From Portugal

trumpet ensemble photoSeldom do I run across an ensemble as well-rehearsed and uniform in concept as this outstanding trumpet sextet.

Each member is a gifted individual and to have such a singularly thinking and performing ensemble is extremely unique.

I have asked Mr. Costa to share with us some information about the ensembles history and I think you will be impressed with the level of musicianship these young men have achieved.

Hi, we are the “Concentus Trumpet Ensemble”.

We are a Portuguese trumpet sextet, and we all met at ESMAE, the University of Music and Arts of Porto, Portugal.

The members of “CTE” are Carlos Leite, Ivo Silva, João Sousa, Leonardo Costa, Rui Vidal and Sérgio Pereira.

One day we were all in a room practicing and someone asked, “Why do we not do a trumpet ensemble? We can do concerts, competitions, have fun playing together and play new music”. We started to look for music and started rehearsing. I admit that the beginning was not what we expected. We didn’t have good music to play but when we got better music we started to sound better. At first it was not what we wanted and we started to realize that each rehearsal got better. Now we realize that we are learning to play as a group and it is easier because we know each other and the music just flows.

We have been together since 2013. Since then we have done some concerts and competitions, and we have played in some summer festivals. Our most important activity was the collaboration with the great Portuguese composer Jorge Salgueiro, were we recorded all of his trumpet repertoire for display in his website and he wrote for us a new piece called “Concentus”.

We love to play all kinds of music; from fanfares to tangos, classical to jazz and modern. Our biggest problem is finding music and long ones for the competitions because we only play repertoire for six. We have never given up in our search and we have some good pieces for six. We also do some arranging and we are always looking for good music.

As a group, our dream is to be able to visit the world playing and having fun. As we do concerts and we are invited to festivals we are starting to make our dreams come true. We do all we can to play in places that we can receive recognized for our work. It is difficult to be recognized in Portugal, especially if you are a Trumpet Ensemble, but we also have the will to change that mentality.

You may have asked yourself, “Why Concentus?”

This name took us some weeks to discover. One day we decide to name our group but we did not know a good name for it. Then one day, during a rehearsal, our music history professor entered the room and said, “You were playing so loud that I almost couldn’t teach my class. But you were sounding so beautiful that I didn’t want to disturb you”. He asked us for our name and we told him we had been thinking of a name for weeks. Then he said, “why not Concentus? Concentus is a Latin word that means blending voices in harmony. Why do you not try that one?” Since then we are the “Concentus Trumpet Ensemble”.

We have a page on Facebook if you want to visit. It is Concentus Trumpet Ensemble and we have videos there as well. If you want come there and do the comments you like, we are open to all suggestions.

We want to make one special thanks to Bruce Chidester, for giving us the opportunity to participate in his blog and for all his activity helping the music for trumpet ensemble.

Check them out and add a LIKE to their site.

We wish these young men the very best and we will be watching as they continue turn the whole world on to Trumpet Ensemble Music.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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