Chop Saver by Gosling

2016-02-17 10.19.21
Several weeks ago, one of our readers wanted to know if the product Chop Savers by Gosling was any good. At the time I had no idea as to its merits for I had never heard of it. So, in order to be semi “hip” with the trumpet world I took my readers advice and searched through every Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart and found that no one had ever heard of it.

After searching in line, I finally found their home page and decided to request a free sample to try it out. Free sample of course means you get the sample free but then sustain a $2.50 charge for shipping. When my “free” sample finally arrived, I unpacked the shipment with great anticipation for I wanted to test it out as soon as possible.

As you can see from the picture, the samples come in two forms; Chop Saver Original and Chop Saver Broad Spectrum. The Broad Spectrum is geared more towards sun exposed skin. Each sample contained enough trial samples for about three or four applications each.

My first application of the Original sample was applied and after about ten minutes, the area covered began to warm slightly. After a half hour the slight warming disappeared. The ointment is very thick in consistency and had to be worked into the skin for a short amount of time.

That evening, I recorded a demo disk with my Dixieland band on trombone and felt no difference in my playing at all. The following day, I visited my dentist for a checkup and applied the ointment just befor I left for my appointment. Most times when I have my dentist pulling and probing in my mouth, I end up with a split lip so testing the Chop Saver under these conditions was a good idea. This time the softening of my epidermal orbicularis oris prevented any split lips for the first time.

My next experiment of the new lip saver would come that evening. When sleeping, I wake in the middle of the night with very dry lips which can be a problem if it develops into splits. I was very pleased the next morning for there was no sign of dry lips or splits at all.

Now, let’s get into some of the claims made by the originator (Dan Gosling) and its followers.

“ChopSaver is full of amazing things like shea butter, mango butter, avocado oil, aloe, citrus oils, grapeseed oil and arnica – all known for their healing, soothing qualities. There’s really nothing quite like it! You might even call it a “Symphony of Ingredients” because musicians all over the world love it. And now medical professionals from dermatologists to oncologists recommend ChopSaver for their patients with chronic lip problems”. Posted by Mr. Gosling on his Web Page.

Professional endorsements

Richard White,University of New Mexico and New Mexico Symphony Orchestra

“…a product that performs as advertised. When my chops need healing in one of the driest cities in America (Albuquerque), I use ChopSaver!

Thomas Hooten,Principal Trumpet – Los Angeles Philharmonic

“Fantastic! Knowing it is all natural is important, especially when it comes to the way my chops feel and respond!”

Sir James Galway,World Renowned Flute Virtuoso

“…a life saver and in my opinion the best lip salve there is on the market!”

Jay Friedman and Chris Martin, Principal Trombone and Trumpet – Chicago Symphony Orchestra

“We use it and swear by it! A great product!”

Joseph Alessi, Principal Trombone – New York Philharmonic

“After a long day of playing I use ChopSaver. The next day, I am ready to go again with fresh chops. Thank you!!”

Ronald Romm, Canadian Brass and Professor of Trumpet – University of Illinois

“When I apply it at night, by morning any chapping/soreness seems to be gone.”

What more needs to be said?


Three Pack- $13.35 plus shipping

Check it out at their web site……

And there is a very easy to use store finder where you only have to type in your address and it will show you where you can find this product at your closest store.

The CVS store where I was directed to find this product never heard of it. Interesting!

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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