Product Review- “flowStick” and “flowDisk” for Trumpet

When I first came across this product, I was eager to find out what this item was promoting. After a couple Emails, my questions were to be answered; shortly after its (their) arrival. The following Claims has been recently posted on their Web site. 1.“Tool for Brass Instruments- Trumpet, trombone, cornet, french horn airflow and sound 2.Airflow training with music and the instrument- The flowStick makes it possible! 3.An airflow you can hear and feel 4.The bore of the flowStick is a sophisticated system with blowing edges inside for optimal feedback on the air intensity. 5.Flexible for everybody 6.The air consumption…

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75th Anniversary of Jazz at University of North Texas- And We Were There

Being with my kids at jazz festivals is nothing new for the Chidester family. All three of our children have been involved with jazz their whole lives. Each has competed in high school as well as college and most of my life has been spent directing ensembles on stage and in contests as well. Some programs are more remembered than others as the photo above illustrates. Not only was our oldest son Scott, performing on the same stage as his old man but was representing the rhythm section on drums with a different band than I was in. As you…

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Thanks to our friends in the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble

Our thanks go out to our friends in the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble for their continued support in choosing our arrangements to perform. If you have not listened to them before, treat yourself to other fine performances on YouTube. And here is another from the same concert. Be sure to check out the “OUT STANDING” trumpet solo also.

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Just How Observant Are You?

Let me give you a little test to see how observant you really are. DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE VIDEO! DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE VIDEO! DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE VIDEO! DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE VIDEO! At what point in the video did you realize something was wrong.. 1. When he played his first note (:20)- give yourself 10 points 2. When he switched horns (:50)- give yourself 9 points 3. When he used the wrong fingering on the trumpet on his right (1:09)- give yourself…

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Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble Goes to School

I would like to thank our friends in the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble for including two of my arrangements in their past concert. From a composer/arranger’s standpoint, nothing can be more rewarding than to have such a talented ensemble perform one’s piece with such high level of musicianship. I would especially like to thank Mr. Dean Haist for his outstanding work with schools around the state and elsewhere. His high level of presentations should be the standard for all of us as we continue to promote instrumental music in our school systems. Bravo to the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble for an outstanding…

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Moses and the Ten Commandments- Brass Sextet

The Ten Commandments is a 1956 American epic religious drama film produced, directed, and narrated by Cecil B. DeMille, shot in VistaVision (color by Technicolor), and released by Paramount Pictures. Based on the 1949 novel Prince of Egypt by Dorothy Clarke Wilson, the 1859 novel Pillar of Fire by J. H. Ingraham, the 1937 novel On Eagle’s Wings by A. E. Southon, and the Book of Exodus, The Ten Commandments dramatizes the biblical story of the life of Moses, an adopted Egyptian prince who becomes the deliverer of his real brethren, the enslaved Hebrews, and thereafter leads the Exodus to…

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Here’s a Little Relief for All You Eagles Fans features arrangements / transcriptions written for solo trumpet, trumpet duets, trumpet trios, trumpet quartets as well as trumpet choirs. Included in its listings are jazz, popular sheet music, marches, religious, patriotic, Latin and solo and ensemble contest arrangements / transcriptions. As we continue to add to this site, you can help by subscribing to this site.

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