The Great American Shoot Out- String Quartet vs. Brass Quartet

This is not the first time that the two ensembles have been compared, but it might be the first time that the characteristics of the two have been discussed in full. I expect a large amount of input on this subject so read carefully with an open mind and feel free to share your opinion with your humble servant. For subject material I chose the first movement of the very popular String Quartet No. 8 by Dimitri Shostakovich. My choice of the first movement was decided in order to put the Brass Quartet at a disadvantage because of the extremely…

Are Universities a Thing of the Past? Part 2

After posting “Are Universities a Thing of the Past?”, I have come across a few interesting changes in the subject sent to me which I would like to share with you on this subject. Two very important changes have been made since my departure at our university which might be of interest to my readers. Many colleges and universities are doing away with tenure. For those who may not be familiar with this term, I will explain. “Tenure, length and conditions of office in civil, judicial, academic, and similar services. Security of tenure, usually granted in the civil service and in…

$1.00 off each of these newly posted Jazz Trumpet Quartets

Discount  applies to only the following- A Foggy Day in London Town A Foggy Day in London Town- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square-Trumpet Quartet w/Cello (Bass) – Trumpet Ensemble Music I’m Beginning to See the Light I’m Beginning To See The Light- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music Autumn Leaves Autumn Leaves- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music Bill Bailey Bill Bailey- Trumpet Quartet w/Bass – Trumpet Ensemble Music Birth of the Blues Birth Of The Blues- Trumpet Quartet | Download Trumpet Music PDF – Trumpet Ensemble…

Are Universities a Thing of the Past?

This may be strange to hear this from a retired University Professor but just as fashions and musical styles change with time, so does the importance of advanced education. Decades ago, it was imperative to frequent the hallowed halls of the learned institutions for at that time it was a common law that in order to compete for a good job, you had to have a college degree or face the reality that you would not have a chance at decent employment. Today’s work force has changed and for one to amass great debt for advanced degrees seems questionable now…

Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble Goes to School

I would like to thank our friends in the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble for including two of my arrangements in their past concert. From a composer/arranger’s standpoint, nothing can be more rewarding than to have such a talented ensemble perform one’s piece with such high level of musicianship. I would especially like to thank Mr. Dean Haist for his outstanding work with schools around the state and elsewhere. His high level of presentations should be the standard for all of us as we continue to promote instrumental music in our school systems. Bravo to the Nebraska Trumpet Ensemble for an outstanding…

Are Trumpet Players Born That Way or Do They Grow Into It? (Reprinted from Dec 14, 2019)

Trumpet players have the reputation of being, arrogant, self-centered, boisterous, know-it-alls and for this, we are sorry. Some players learn this naturally and some of us did not realize it was happening until it was too late. This is typical of the view most musicians have of trumpet players- How many trumpets does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to handle the bulb and four to tell him how much better they could’ve done it. Is it justified? It might be, but I am more interested in the answer to this question- “Do trumpet players have these…