Continuing Review of “How to Practice- The Drozdoff Method”

Now that you have learned some background about Nick Drozdoff, I’ll start explaining my situation and share some of the results I have enjoyed after following the suggestions in his method. And if you haven’t read his background, I suggest that you start your homework with our previous posts at Let Me Introduce You To My New Trumpet Coach- Mr. Nick Drozdoff and Learn More About Nick Drozdoff. As I mentioned on our first post, I started looking into Mr. Drozdoff’s teaching material after receiving my copy of his material How to Practice- The Drozdoff Method. This is not the…

Learn More About Nick Drozdoff

In order to fully understand the accomplishments of this talented player/educator, I suggest you first read his Bio at….. Bio | Nick Drozdoff Music | United States …and when you are done, come back to our next post and I will try to fill you in on his most recent activities. Don’t forget to come back for you will miss some very important information about how his advice has improved some problems in my playing…

Cyber Monday Special- 10% Discount on “All Orders” at Trumpet Ensemble

If you are in need of new arrangements for your Brass Ensemble, Cyber Monday is your lucky day! All orders will automatically receive a 10% discount this coming Monday in appreciation for your continued support of our site. No matter how many or type of arrangement/transcription, you will receive an automatic 10% discount. Mark your callander to take advantage of this first-time store wide sale. Trumpet Ensemble

A Special Thank You to All Our Supporters

We would like to thank our readers for their continued support and send a special thank you to the sites who have also supported our postings through the years. 20 Best Trumpet Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2022 ( (This site has listed our blog #1 Trumpet Blog every year for the past six years) #1. The Trumpet Blog | Blogging anything & everything trumpet  Branson, Missouri, US” “The Trumpet Blog regularly posts information related to trumpets and trumpet playing. Find information on many topics dealing with trumpet playing which will include the basics for the first timer as well…

Let Me Introduce You To My New Trumpet Coach- Mr. Nick Drozdoff

Some readers may find this statement strange due to the fact that I am 80 years old and hosting a popular trumpet blog. At this age, shouldn’t I know enough about playing the horn to be self-sustaining in my approach to the instrument? Many would find this assumption plausible but when a person believes that they know it all about anything is when that person ceases to improve. My first contact with the name Nick Drozdoff was by accident while searching Youtube for material for our blog. The first video I encountered was this one….On Breathing For Trumpet – YouTube…

This Month’s New Arrangements/Transcriptions to

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year- Brass Quintet (Tpts. 1,2, Ho – Trumpet Ensemble Music Jingle Bell Rock- Brass Quintet (Tpts. 1,2, Horn in F, Tbn., Tuba) – Trumpet Ensemble Music Flute Sonata in A major/Vivace- Trumpet Trio w/Bass – Trumpet Ensemble Music Jesus Paid it All- Trumpet Quartet w/Piano – Trumpet Ensemble Music Gloria in excelsis Deo- – Brass Sextet (Tpts 1,2,3/Horn/Tbns 1,2) – Trumpet Ensemble Music Clarke Technical Study #1- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music Clarke Technical Study #2- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music Clarke Technical Study #3- Trumpet Quartet – Trumpet Ensemble Music…

The Great American Shoot Out (Part 3)- Solo Flute vs. Trumpet Trio & Double Bass

Transforming a Baroque Flute solo to a Trumpet Ensemble was a real challenge. It began as a Trumpet Duet but quickly changed to a trio primarily because of the constant playing which gave the advantage to the flute over the Trumpet. The next hurdle was to musically divide the three parts evenly and still retain the same musical flow of the original solo instrument. It is my wish that we have added the same excitement and authenticity of the period by featuring our Trumpets in the same way Vivaldi accomplished with his well known Vivaldi – Trumpet Concerto for 2…

75th Anniversary of Jazz at University of North Texas- And We Were There

Being with my kids at jazz festivals is nothing new for the Chidester family. All three of our children have been involved with jazz their whole lives. Each has competed in high school as well as college and most of my life has been spent directing ensembles on stage and in contests as well. Some programs are more remembered than others as the photo above illustrates. Not only was our oldest son Scott, performing on the same stage as his old man but was representing the rhythm section on drums with a different band than I was in. As you…

Another Great American Shoot Out- Vocal Ensemble vs. Trumpet Choir and Bass

This was a very challenging project for most of the charm in the vocal score hinges on the text rather than the rhythms and pitches. I do feel that we were able to come close to the original even facing this obvious advantage for the singers.   Now check it out as a vocal number at…..