American Pride Part 3

This is part of my continuing series of posts related to what I have called “American Pride”. Each post reflects something in music which denotes the pride we feel for our country. This is a very good example of two characteristics Americans are known for- ingenuity and creativity. Where else in the world can someone combine in a creative manner an accordion player, a sniper crew and kids with an environmental setting? Let’s hear it for the Red, White and Blue for we are now on our way back to what we are supposed to be.

American Pride Part 2

Many commented on my first American Pride post and I thank you all for your support. There was one reader who missed my true intent for he interpreted my comments as being anti-America in nature. I can assure you that I have as much pride in our country as the next person and that was the reason that I wrote my article. I am proud of the USA and wish it to regain its place in the world market. My use of the video in the first post was to draw attention to the efforts in music of other nations…

Interesting Video

With all of the fine trumpet players in the world today, it is a challenge to decide which ones to feature. Making my decision this time was much easier for I have a vested interest in this gentleman. His name is John Hess and he was kind enough to send me this video which he recorded/performed and produced using one of my arrangements. Sometimes it’s nice to pat yourself on the back as long as you can control your ego.

Bella Tromba

This is the second in a series of “My Favorite Trumpet Groups”. The following material has be taken from their web site and explains a little about their history and accomplishments. To understand the complete story on this ensemble, go to Bella Tromba for more information. Formed in 2004 at the Royal Academy of Music, Bella Tromba is an established chamber group performing extensively in the UK and abroad. Cheltenham Music Festival, South Bank’s Purcell Room and BBC Radio 3 have all featured the group. Bella Tromba have given recitals and presented conservatoire level master classes in Europe. In 2010…


We will not be able to post for a couple days for this morning around 3:30 am. the house next to ours was leveled by fire and we will need a few days to get our home repaired from the experience. After two years of regular posting, this will be our first down time. We will be back at it in a couple days. Keep well and please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Bruce Chidester Branson Trumpet Ensemble

Controlling Your Nerves Part 2

I have written earlier on the subject of nervousness while performing and most of my material dealt with the preparation for your performance. My suggestions were directed at learning your material to the point of perfection and once this has been achieved, most nervous anxieties will be lessened. There are occasions when even the most dedicated preparation is not enough and for that condition I have written Part 2 on the nervous conditions for musicians. Before I approach a controversial subject such as this, I would like to say that for the majority of musicians reading this post, my suggestions…