A Different Approach to Breathing

We have spent a great deal of time reviewing the Claude Gordan Systematic Approach to Daily practice and from your responses; many have found benefit, including myself. Now I would like to feature another approach to playing in the upper register, and as you will see, it suggests a completely different way about getting the higher notes. For those of you who will find this approach contrary to what The Gordan Method suggested, don’t be confused for each has its own approach to reaching the same goal. Where the Gordan Method instructs you to breathe deep and expand as much…

Is Patriotism Growing In Our Country?

More and more trumpet players are starting to share their instrumental voice in honor of our country. Why this trend is increasing, who can say, but it is my wish that even more players begin to add their musical voices to the cause. For more information on this phenomenon, check out these other posts on this subject. The Most Important 24 Notes Wanted Buglers Also, if you have additional information to share, please send me your thoughts on this great revival.

Les Trompettes de Lyon

In an effort to feature the best trumpet playing in the world, please put your hands together for Les Trompettes de Lyon! Les Trompettes de Lyon is not just your average brass group…but more a stage show that is unabashedly entertaining and humorous. These musicians have progressively let their taste for quirky fun run loose on stage raising the question “are these trumpeters who were taught to act or are they actors who have picked up the trumpet?” The “Trompettes de Lyon” instrumental ensemble was born in 1989 from the meeting of five musicians trained in the academies of music…

Mnozil Brass

…continuing in our quest to feature brass performers who might have slipped past our readers, we are now featuring one of the most out of control and brilliant ensembles “Mnozil Brass” (a brass septet from Austria, which is representing the elite of world brass scene).    

A Former Student of Ours- James Linahon

Sometimes a teacher is lucky enough to have known students who eventually excel in music and this fine gentleman is certainly a fine example of one of our success stories. Although Jim never studied trumpet with me, I was fortunate enough to have had him in my classes and was able to see this young, gifted man develop into a leading musician not only in performance, but also in composition as well as the recording industry. I have included just a few of his accomplishments since leaving our University. Education ________________________________________ • North Texas State University, Masters Music, Denton, Texas,…

Join HI-YR-BY-A-THIRD today! Lesson 3 Review

This was the week that got me my first G in many years. To some that might not seem like much of an accomplishment but to me it was a welcome occurrence. My F and F# got much easier and after finally breaking into the G, I have been able to go up to a very think A above high C. Review of this week’s work. 1. I was able to use last week’s recording for this week’s material. In Part I, I hold the first two half notes out for four counts each and the last half note for…

Please welcome Victor Haskins

When I first listened to Mr. Haskins play, I was instantly reminded of the great rock guitar player Jimi Hendrix. You might wonder what the two musicians could have in common. Both musicians impressed me as being able to instantly move from mental creation to artistic technique. Both players, even though using different instruments and styles of music are/were able to perform whatever comes/came to mind without any technical difficulty. When listening to most musicians, I hear the same licks and worn out patterns but in Mr. Haskins case, he seems to be free to reach down into his deepest…

The Hoffman Brass Ensemble

Music and the Internet are two elements which have worked well together for through the marvel of science, we are able to share performances with likeminded musicians throughout the world Such is the case here where a good friend from Australia has allowed us to attend, if only second handedly, a recent concert in the far off continent. Elaine Johnson has been very active in sharing her musical talents as well as her true love for music with musicians around the world and for that reason I wanted to applaud her for her endless drive and refreshing enthusiasm for our…

A Little Racial History

I would like to thank a fellow trumpet player (*Michael Stewart* www.stewmuse.com) for sharing this video with us. There is more truth to this computer generated video than most will realize. As a person who had witnessed the “WHITES ONLY” years, sadness fills my heart for the injustice put upon the Black race for so many years. English translation: New York, 1930: Harry, a trimmer (barber) racist will change his attitude after discovering a magical trumpet. Set in the years following the great depression of the 29’s, at which time it originates the Swing (jazz style in which stressed Fletcher…