Tine Thing Helseth (TEE-nə-ting-HEL-sət)

When listing the talented trumpet players of today, no list would be complete without the name Tine Thing Helseth. Her entrance to the musical stage was quiet and as tasteful as her playing. Not only is she an exceptionally talented young lady which you will hear in this video, but on a scale from p to ff, she is definitely a fortissimo in the range of beauty. Reprinted from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Tine Thing Helseth (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈtiːnə tɪŋ hɛlsət], English pronunciation: /ˈtiːnə tɪŋ ˈhɛlsət/, TEE-nə-ting-HEL-sət; born August 18, 1987 in Oslo) is a Norwegian trumpet soloist specializing…

We Miss You Don

This video was recommended to me recently and I had to share it for Don Ellis was one of the most innovative musicians of his time and sadly died much to soon in his life. Read more about Don…. Here

Advancements in Trumpet Water Keys

From time to time we run across new innovations for trumpet that actually work. Let me know what you think of this newer approach to trumpet water keys. One of life’s little problems, the sticky Amado Water Key, is now a thing of the past! The Pollard Water Key is the solution. Not only does it work great every time, it looks great mounted on your horn! The Pollard Water Key  For more information on trumpet water keys, check this out….. Water Key Developments For Trumpet

Even More Interesting Assumptions Proved and Disproved

It seems as if there is an endless list of miracle changes which can be made to your trumpet to make it play better and this is just another idea I wanted to test for myself. Some have criticized me for not “using more individuals and instruments” as test units or not doing “blindfold” tests. Some feel that I have not entered enough variables into my testing to make my observations conclusive. To these comments I can only say this; these are my findings and from what I have tested, I feel very confident that I have answered the questions…

Musical Engraving

With all the new developments in technology, we sometimes forget how things used to be accomplished and for that reason, I thought some of you might be interested in another lost art in the music business. While teaching at our university, I offered music writing manuscript as an elective and enjoyed working with our students in placing musical notation on staff paper which was at that time the only way to get the job done. With the advent of computer software we can now complete the same amount of work in record time with a much more profession product at…

The Ups and Downs Of Playing On A Cruise Ship- Part 2

I just got home from a cruise and spent some time visiting with the musicians on the ship. I asked them some questions that some of you may be interested in hearing. The ship was one of the largest and the band was from all over the globe. The instrumentation was two trumpets, one trombone, two saxes, a bass, keyboard, and drums. Every musician was a good reader and the trumpets were very fine solo players. The tenor, who you would expect to be the jazzer, was a little light. The best musician in the band, in my opinion, was…

Has Your Faithful Blogster Turned To The Dark Side?

Before any ugly rumors begin to start circulating around the Blogaspher, I need to make a confession to my readers……I own, and currently playing a TROMBONE! (Thunderous gasps of disbelief were heard throughout the galaxy). Yes, it is true that for Christmas my loving wife gave me my Christmas request, a trombone. Now this is not an average garage sale trombone. This is one of the very popular PBones which come in various colors. Our nod was given to the deep blue variety with hopes I will be able to play the blues in the truest fashion. Trombone is not…

Remembering Sandy Hook Elementary School

From time to time we have experienced joyous occasions where I felt the need to write something to commemorate the occasion such as the Royal Wedding. Other times I have felt the need to write for less festive occasions such as the National Anthem of Haiti. With mixed emotions this evening I wanted to offer this arrangement in remembrance of the victims and families at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Some may wonder why I chose these numbers to combine and all I can say is I was led to do so. Jesus Loves the Little Children…