Till Brönner – Absolutely Brilliant!

The name Till Brönner might not be on every trumpet players list of great jazz musicians, but it should. The first time I listened to this gifted musician, I was amazed by the deep background of his styling. Many times I thought I was listening to Miles, other times I heard Chet Baker and still others, Dizzy. For such diversity to be bound up into one performer as young as Mr. Bonner is a true gift. To describe his effortless playing I am reminded of one of my all-time favorite musicians Jimmy Hendrix. What Hendrix was able to do so…

Tracks Or No Tracks? That Is A Question

Have you ever been to a live show and wondered if the music was actually live or were you listening to a recording and the musicians were only pretending to play? I am constantly asked this question and it brings up a very heated discussion each time. Lip sinking and the use of prerecorded tracks have been discussed for many years. The first time I was exposed to the practice was many years ago while playing a Holiday On Ice show. The band was doing what bands do and the leader bent down to ask if we needed a break.…

Ragtime- “Swing or Straight”?

To most people, the question of how one should play the rhythms in Ragtime music seldom comes to mind. In my case, I know how it should be played but have doubts that it truly needs to be played correctly. To address this dilemma, I will explain the differences and why I choose to perform Ragtime music incorrectly. A brief history of Ragtime music 00:101 Ben Harney first introduced his style of broken rhythms from Africa to the public in his compositions which he called ragtime songs. These songs were more casual than the European music enjoyed at that time…

Classical Musician and Jazz Musician – What’s The Difference?

My Observations You might think that this is a joke, something like- “There is no difference, neither one can make a living”. But that would be silly. My discussion is geared more towards the intellectuals among us. Those who ponder the real meaning of questions such as “How am I supposed to finger that trill?” or “How long does that idiot think I can play that last note without breathing”? Let me assure you, this is a serious question and I will try to illustrate the interesting relationship between the two contrasting styles of music. In the history of trumpet…

Three Good Reasons Why You Should NOT Practice Long Tones!

Three Good Reasons Why You Should NOT Practice Long Tones! 1. They are boring. 2. They tend to build stiffness in your chops. 3. No one ever pays to hear long tones. Now that I have angered most of the trumpet players reading this post, I need to explain my thinking on the abolishment of long tones. Long Tones Are Boring- No one in their right mind would argue this statement. Playing long tones is like watching paint dry. Even the non-musician questions one’s mental capacity when they hear someone play twenty minutes on long tones. Usually their comment is,…

“Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!”

To most people my age, and there still are a few left, this cry from the masked man mounted on his pure white horse named silver, brings back fond memories of earlier times. To the younger people, it means there is a new motion picture in town and many may wonder if it is worth spending money to see it. My wife and I saw the film and loved it. All reports we read indicated that it was going to be a bomb and we were pleasantly surprised when we saw it. If you are looking for a truly authentic…