“Concentus Trumpet Ensemble”- Our New Friends From Portugal

Seldom do I run across an ensemble as well-rehearsed and uniform in concept as this outstanding trumpet sextet. Each member is a gifted individual and to have such a singularly thinking and performing ensemble is extremely unique. I have asked Mr. Costa to share with us some information about the ensembles history and I think you will be impressed with the level of musicianship these young men have achieved. Hi, we are the “Concentus Trumpet Ensemble”. We are a Portuguese trumpet sextet, and we all met at ESMAE, the University of Music and Arts of Porto, Portugal. The members of…


I would like to thank all of you who have sent in comments about the first post on Tone Quality. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one interested in this important subject. Now I will continue with Part #2. In the previous post I discussed the difference in sound as well as the visualization of too loose, too tight and the more focused embouchure. Please note that I have intentionally omitted the issue of air in this discussion. When the issue of good tone is brought up, there is always someone wanting to shout “GOOD…

Carroll Community Wind Ensemble Trumpet Players

Welcome to part of the Carroll Community Wind Ensemble out of Carrollton, Ga. The ensemble is a community outreach program of the Carroll Symphony Orchestra that began 3 years ago and has performed at many community events. This is their second time performing with the University of West Georgia. Two years ago they combined with members of the CSO to provide the pit orchestra for the opera Carmen. They currently have 5 trumpet players in their trumpet section. The photo includes, from left to right, Bob Johnson, Jen Houck and Chris Davis. Their other two trumpet players are Terry Strickland…

Is Live Music Dead- Is there any way we can bring it back to life?

Each day we hear of more musicians losing their jobs. Some reasons given for this epidemic are 1. The economy, 2. Reduced ticket sales, 3. Change in direction, 4. Tracks are more economical. 5. Tracks don’t make mistakes, 6. No one is using horns any more, and the list goes on. It started with the big bands during the Swing Era from the early 1930’s until the late 1940’s. Men serving in the war were not available to fill the sections of the popular big bands back home. Money and materials were needed for the war efforts. Gas which was…

My New “Favorite Trumpet Player”- Pacho Flores!

When I think of the most outstanding tone to come from a trumpet, I remember a trumpet workshop at the Roosevelt University in downtown Chicago which featured a lecture by the great orchestral trumpet legend Mr. Adolph “Bud” Herseth. When I think back to the most technically gifted trumpet player I have seen and heard, I remember an outstanding performance by Mr. Allen Vizzutti at an International Trumpet Guild conference. When I reflect back to the most musical trumpet performance I can recall, a solo performed on our campus by Mr. Allen Dean stands out in my memory. BUT….. To…

A Little Different And A Lot Of Talent

I recently came across a very talented trio fronted by a young trumpet player you must hear. Noticed I didn’t say your “should” hear. The trio is called Sweet Talk and no matter what kind of music trips your trigger, you need to listen to and follow the progress of this interesting ensemble (an experimental jazz trio based in Brooklyn, NY. Jake Henry – trumpet; Dustin Carlson – guitar, Devin Drobka – drums). Each member of the group is able to contribute artistry in every composition. And when you combine only a guitarist, a drummer and a trumpet player, you…

Now meet Mr. Tatum Greenblatt

In our never ending quest to showcase the best in trumpet playing…. A Seattle native, Tatum Greenblatt is a musician, composer and bandleader who has established himself as one of the most in-demand trumpet players on New York City’s music scene and performed with artists such as Wynton Marsalis, Joe Lovano, The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, The Mingus Big Band, Richard Bona, George Gruntz, Donny McCaslin, Jacques Swartz- Bart, David Berger, George Garzone, and The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, among many others. Having earned his master’s degree from The Juilliard School, Tatum has toured extensively with The Richard Bona Group…

The New Schagerl “Raven”- The Best Of Both Worlds

James Morrison explains his newly designed piston/rotary valve trumpet as only he can….. This is my new trumpet from Schagerl – although it looks a bit like a cornet, it is definitely a trumpet. The design comes from my wish to have a rotary valve instrument due to the different articulation you get compared to piston valves. I find the rotary sounds more precise and there is a smaller “dead spot” between when you push the valve and when the next note comes out clearly. This is particularly noticeable when playing quickly in the upper register (something I like to…

What You See Is Not What You Hear!

Flash Mobs have been increasing in number as well as creativity. We all would like to be present when one of these apparent haphazard occurrences take place. The thrill of this unpredictable and well-rehearsed performance happening in front of our very eyes is something every person would remember all of his/her life. Now, let me jump to another similar and related question. How many of you have heard complaints about a live show using tracks? Many people will rant and rave and say such things such as “I paid good money to hear “real” music, not a canned recording”. Yet…