Looking back On the Last Five Years- Our top 3 Most Popular Topics.

To celebrate our 5th anniversary of our site, we have decided to post the three most popular topics. Today we are featuring our most popular post- The Disturbing Monette Video We all have had moments when something pops into our minds which is disturbing enough to keep us up at night and for me, this is one of those moments. Several weeks ago, while searching for topics for this blog, I came across a video produced by Mr. Dave Monette. I first met Mr. Monette many years ago while he was visiting our campus and was very impressed with his…

Looking back On the Last Five Years- Our Top 3 Most Popular Topics.

To celebrate our 5th anniversary of our site, we have decided to post the top three most popular topics. Today we are featuring our third most popular post- 15 Reasons Why the Trumpet is The Most Difficult Instrument to play Some may question the validity of this statement but those that do most often are wrong. I will list my reasons and give a light hearted account of why this is the case. 1. Trumpets most often play the melody so everyone knows if we play the wrong notes. Unlike the Bassoon, which plays notes that only Canada geese can…

Remembering Don Jacoby….again

Throughout our lives, we sometimes think back to people who have influenced our lives. Such is my case when remembering one of my favorite trumpet teachers, Mr. Don Jacoby (or just “Jake” to the trumpet world). It was a trumpet custom while attending North Texas State (now University of North Texas) to study with Mr. John Haynie on campus for your degree and at the same time study with Jake in Dallas for making contacts in the area. Both teachers were exceptional players as well as teachers and each excelled in his own area; Jake in commercial playing and Mr.…

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to our stage, Mr. Victor Haskins”.

In my original post introducing this musician, who I considered to be a moving force in the universe, was on September 29, 2012 when I published “Please Welcome Victor Haskins”. At that time I predicted his continued success and I wanted to share his talents with my readers. As in all predictions, sometimes you get it right and sometimes you learn to eat your words. I am pleased to announce that my earlier predictions are continuing to come true for this unique individual and for that reason; I have asked Mr. Haskins to share “in his own words” what has…

Sexism-Is it Still Present in the Trumpet World?

There is little doubt that sexism has existed in the trumpet world since the beginning. Just as racism and women’s equality in the work force have been a long hard battle, so has the female’s acceptance into the male dominated field of trumpet playing. With that said I will try to establish the history and background of this inequality and hopefully help the cause for its correction. How it began At the turn of the century (not this one, the previous one) it was the policy to have a piano in the home upon which the young ladies were expected…

It Could Only Happen To A Musician- The Legend of DC

DC (name omitted for obvious reasons) was a real person and I will not divulge his real name. Any musician from the early days (1960’s to the present) performing in Dallas will know who I am describing and it is with great respect to him that I share these stories. Some I have heard and some I had experienced. I hope you find these life experiences as entertaining as we in the area found them. DC- is the only person in history to be held up over the phone. This story was told to me by a great trumpet player…

The Best $20’s You Will Ever Spend!

Seldom do we share information between this site and our sister site (thetrumpetblog.com) but we felt that this offering needed to be shared. We have made available more than 44 instructional video trumpet lessons for only $19.97! You need to visit trumpetlessonsonline.com to fully understand the tremendous amount of information available in this offer. Trumpetlessonsonline.com continues to add more videos as more information, solos and etude material become available. Check out our free full-length video lessons in order to see if this would work for you. “No matter if you are a young player or a seasoned veteran; you will…

Man’s Obsession for High Notes

Why are high notes revered by most humans? Dogs run from them and hide. No matter how these tension building noises are generated, most people stand in amazement at their execution. Even when a vocalist sings the Star Spangled Banner, no one listens until they hear the last note screamed an octave higher. What ever happened to good musical taste? This enamorment for the shrill has a long history. Even during the Baroque era, the trumpet players who were able to traverse the upper range of their instrument were admired and well compensated for this ability. Some would say that…