Have You Missed Me?

After posting every day for six years on my two Internet sites, I finally took a week off to have two stents implanted in my heart area. It seems that a couple months ago, while performing a show, I had a mild heart attack and didn’t know it. The reason I am sharing this with you now is to give you an idea as to how a heart attack might change your lives. In my case the order of events went like this- During a show, I began to get sick and attributed it to possible food poisoning. I had…

2016 Branson Terry Music Award Nominee List

To some this means very little and as you will see, it doesn’t mean much to me either. Entertainers from the Branson shows are nominated for the “best of 2016” list and in most cases, the recipients are well deserving of this nomination and eventual award. Looking down the categories you will find included the following “best”- Fiddle player Lead Player Bass Player Instrumentalist Tribute Artist Vocal Duo Matinee Show Male Vocalist Entertainer Comedian Drummer Keyboard Steel player Production Show Morning Show Show of the Year Female Vocalists That all seems to be in order, until you run across this…

trumpetlessonsonline.com and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 5

Warm up and Cool Down In this free lesson, I have included a couple interesting and helpful posts which will more fully explain the importance of a regular warm up and cool down. The video speaks of my daily routine of warming up with chromatic scales; first starting at the bottom and gradually adding octaves as I ascend. The benefit of chromaticism is that each note is only a one half step from the previous note and this very gradual increase is almost unnoticeable. Due to the minimum distance between notes, only a minimum amount of embouchure change should be…

trumpetlessonsonline.com and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 4

Moving on from my endorsement of the Claude Gordon “Systematic Approach to Daily Practice, I will try to justify my support for nothing less than my on line lessons at… trumpetlessonsonline.com This compilation of decades of experiences of borrowed, stolen or otherwise collected ideas covers not the way to play as much as it is a collection of tricks and practical solutions to a trumpet player’s life. On a previous post on this topic, I listed the areas covered so at this time I will concentrate on only one which is available free of charge on my site. Alterations to…

trumpetlessonsonline.com and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 3

Now we will complete my review of the Claude Gordon “Systematic Approach to Daily Practice”. As I stated on my first post when speaking of this method, I mentioned that it is a complete and structured outline of what you need to do to become an accomplished musician on a trumpet. Everything is there and is explained in a very simple yet effective manner. If you follow his instructions as indicated, you should continue to develop your trumpet playing skill in the following areas- • Range • Flexibility • Valve control • Air usage • Tone • Articulation • Endurance…

trumpetlessonsonline.com and Claude Gordon- All you need to become a professional trumpet player! Part 2

Now let’s start first with the Claude Gordon method. Why is this method so helpful when learning to actually play your trumpet? I will list some of its features and discuss the advantages of this total “Systematic Approach to Daily Practice”. Systematic Approach to Daily Practice is complete by itself! Many methods cover a few areas of trumpet playing and leave out other areas which need to be addressed. Mr. Gordon, on page 5 begins with an attitude about your playing and has covered many physical as well as mental topics you need to know. Systematic Approach to Daily Practice…

Dallas, Texas July 7, 2016

How can such a catastrophe happen in a civilized society? What makes an individual foster so much hatred to do such an unspeakable act? When will we come to the realization that evil has finally taken over our world? Where are the leaders responsible for the deterioration of our country? 5 Dead 7 Wounded 1 Lone Gunman Some believe this problem stems from the ease in acquiring firearms. Some point fingers at the police. Still others argue that the problem is a result of unstable families in the Black communities. And still others believe that this situation was predicted in…

Simplifying the Trumpet Embouchure- Part 5 What you need to practice to build strong chops.

Long Tones! Some may find this too simplistic and some may find me too arrogant. There are many benefits to being old; one is the lack of concern with criticism. The reason I have been so narrow focused in my conclusion is that focusing your embouchure muscles in an isometric condition is a fast way of developing strength in your trumpet playing embouchure. Long tones do exactly that! For decades I have used and taught a very simple (sometimes boring) warmup exercise which focused on the embouchure muscle development through isometric muscle application. This long tone warmup was used up…