The ( A) Definitive Collection of Bad Trumpet Jokes

Q: What’s the difference between a trumpet player and the rear end of a horse? A: I don’t know either. Q: What do you do if you see a bleeding trumpet player running around in your backyard? A: Stop laughing, and shoot again! Q: How do you get a trumpet player out of a tree? A: Cut the noose. Q: What’s the difference between a dog and a trumpet player? A: The dog knows when to stop scratching! Q: What do trumpet players use for birth control? A: Their personalities. Q: What’s the first thing a trumpet player says at…

Trumpeter Sean Jones

Trumpeter Sean Jones is a firebrand musician with a bent toward muscular post-bop. Born in Warren, Ohio, in 1978, Jones began playing trumpet in the fifth grade, and by high school had developed a strong interest in jazz, especially the music of legendary trumpeter Miles Davis. Gigs at local jazz clubs and performances with the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra followed, and Jones ultimately enrolled in the music school at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree, Jones then earned a Master’s degree from Rutgers University. Since that time, Jones has performed with a variety of name musicians, including…

How To Place Your Mouthpiece In Your Horn

Have you ever heard or read something that does not make any sense to you at all and then you set out to prove it wrong only to find that it is actually true? This happened to me this past week and even though it is an embarrassment, I will swallow my pride for the betterment of the brass world. This past week I read a post on one of the brass bulletin boards which stated that this person claimed that the rotation of the mouthpiece could actually change how the instrument responded when played. Just the thought of someone…

The Presidential Race- “The Ultimate Reality Show”

If you are like me, I have had it with all the name calling, mud throwing and character assignations going on in the race for the White House. We have finally hit the lowest level in our countries history when speaking of the the next occupant to the oval office. We have two candidates with apparently the lowest moral fiber ever to run for this esteem position. Even the Republican Party cannot support their offering and most on the Democratic side of the isle have distanced themselves from their candidate. WE HAVE NO QUALIFIED PERSON RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY OF…

3 Reasons Why Actors Are Better Than Musicians

I’m sure that I have your attention at this time for a statement like that should raise the hackles on any musician worth their weight in valve oil. For several months I have had the pleasure of performing with an exception troupe of actors (actresses) from New York who every day amaze me with their ability to “sell” there lines. Each performs at an amazing consistency and polished level of their art which humbles me when comparing it to the mere notes I play during each show. Some may question my enthusiasm for these talented performers and some may even…

Music (born 2000 BC – died 2012 AD) One man’s view of the evolution of music

Much can be said about evolution. Darwin had his revolutionary views and even though he was wrong, he was still able to voice his opinion. In the same vein, I will present my hypothesis as to the evolution and decline of music as we know it today. It is my hope that my thoughts on the history of music will also, in time, be proven incorrect. All living forms tend to follow the same path, i.e., birth, development, increased knowledge and productivity, maturity, lessening of productivity, decline, and eventual death. So do non-living things follow the same pattern, i.e., creation,…

Last Day for Gigantic Price Blowout!!!!

With the Fall Season just around the corner (remember the Christmas season begins on Labor Day in Branson), our sister site will be offering all of their arrangements posted from September 1 through September 30 for only $5.00 each. This will the best time to stock up on your music needs for the remainder of the year. Every new arrangement posted from the September 1st through September 30th will be priced at only $5.00. Be sure to check every day for the arrangement you need and stock up for the Holidays. Not only that! If you have something special…