Thanks Jay

The name Jay Daversa is not a well known name to the younger players but to the professional trumpet circle, he is very well known and respected; not only as a player but also a gifted arranger and composer. To the working musicians in Branson, the name Jay refers to one of our own and knowing and visiting with him is always a pleasure. His playing is always at the top of professionalism but few have much background in his musical life which extends from his teen age years to the present. To give you a small taste of where…

Gap Or No gap? That Is The Distance.

To most players, the depth that the trumpet mouthpiece extends into the mouthpiece receiver means nothing. To some, it is imperative that the distance be calculated and established. To some, the controversy has never come up. We will try to first explain what is meant by the gap, then how it affects the trumpets playing characteristics and finally show how you can make the necessary adjustment in order to possibly change your instruments playing characteristics. What is meant by the term gap? The term gap refers to the distance from the end of the trumpet mouthpiece to the beginning of…

Please Put Your Hands Together For My Very Good Friend, Jason C. Brewer

From time to time you cross paths with people who are perfect examples of “good people” and Jason Brewer is one of those kind of people. Let me introduce you to one of my favorite players and good friend…..Jason Brewer. Jason C. Brewer is an American trumpeter who has his own style and signature sound. He is known for playing a variety of music including gospel, jazz, Hip Hop and R&B. Brewer is at home playing anything from bop to hip hop. He started playing music in the church over 40 years ago becoming proficient on bass and drums, as…

Where Have All Our (Trumpet) Heroes Gone?

While returning from two of my doctor’s appointments today, I had an interesting thought come to mind. What current trumpet players have replaced our many heroes of the past? Chronological List of Trumpet/Cornet Heroes of the Past (my opinion) Born during the 1800s Joseph Jean-Baptiste Laurent Arban (28 February 1825 – 8 April 1889) was a cornetist, conductor, composer, pedagogue and the first famed virtuoso of the cornet à piston or valved cornet. Herbert Lincoln Clarke (September 12, 1867 – January 30, 1945) was an American cornet player, feature soloist, bandmaster, and composer. He is considered the most prominent cornetist…

15 Reasons Why the Trumpet is The Most Difficult Instrument to play

Some may question the validity of this statement but those that do most often are wrong. I will list my reasons and give a light hearted account of why this is the case. 1. Trumpets most often play the melody so everyone knows if we play the wrong notes. Unlike the Bassoon, which plays notes that only Canada geese can hear, the trumpet is expected to play every note the way it was intended. 2. Trumpets are loud. When was the last time a conductor requested that a triangle player play louder? 3. Trumpets are pointed directly towards the listener.…

Why Do Trumpet Players Pass Out? Part I

No, this is not a joke for if you have ever had it happen to you, you will agree that it is a possibility. The high range exercises which I and several of my friends are practicing at this time may find us in a possible situation which should be addressed at this time. Most often the dizziness and possible blackout comes shortly after releasing a sustained high note and is seldom present when performing in the middle and low range of the instrument. Some players are more susceptible to this condition than others. Also, those performing in the upper…

Bent Mouthpieces- Good or Bad? Part 2

I felt it was only fair to share others musicians views on this subject and to do so I visited the Internet to collect these thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of bending a mouthpiece. Some responses agree with me and some do not. It is not my job to argue with anyone on their experience in this area or in any area but just as Fox News advertises, this is a fair and balanced report. Please consider the source for not everything on the internet can be accurate, including my views. Related comments from the Internet on bent mouthpieces…

Bent Mouthpieces- Good or Bad? Part 1

This past week the advantages and disadvantages of a bent mouthpiece surfaced again. To those of you who may not be familiar with the term “bent mouthpiece”, let me explain. Many years ago in a far off land lived a very good trumpet player who wanted to play in a local band. When attending his first rehearsal, the conductor recommended to him that he should play with his bell above the stand so that he could be better heard. Knowing that his existence in this fine ensemble was in jeopardy if he did not comply, the young man obliged by…

Which Flugel Horn Is The Best?

While trying to complete my coverage of the flugel horn, I decided to see what typical trumpet/flugel horn players say about the many instruments available on the market today. I have included only the material found on one site in a span of two weeks- “The Yamaha Flugels are great all around flugels”. …”the Adams line. I truly believe they are making hands down the best flugelhorns and also the most diverse flugelhorns in the world”. “I play quite a bit of flugel and I sold my Couesnon when I got the V1 (Conn). I also played as many other…

Remembering Don Jacoby

Jake is gone but not forgotten by many of us in the trumpet world who were fortunate enough to have known him. If you are interested in his background and accomplishments, I highly recommend Clint “Pops” Mc Laughlin’s site . If you are interested in what Jake was really like, I can share two stories which might give you some insight into the real Don Jacoby. When first locating yourself in a new area, it is to your advantage to make contact with one of the more active players in order for them to help you get work. This is…