The Best Seem to Keep up With the Times- Santa Fe and the Fat City Horns (revisited)

By Brock Radke (contact) Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 | 2 a.m. Learning new skills has become standard operating procedure for most of us during the pandemic. It’s no different for the many talented musicians making a living in Las Vegas. For Jerry Lopez and his band Santa Fe and the Fat City Horns, adjusting to a new, temporary existence without live performances meant building a new way to spread their music to the masses. The result is a livestream concert taking place every other Monday, broadcast from the Copa Club at the Bootlegger Italian Bistro just south of the Strip…

Put Your Hands Together For Chad Boydston

  How did you got started and when? “My dad was a trumpet player and was good enough to stay state side with the 2nd army continental band during the Vietnam war. He had to play taps a lot for those not so lucky. I would eventually inherit this phenomenon, but I’ll get into that later. I was born a year before his discharge and grew up listening to him practicing and hearing trumpet albums”. Why did you chose the trumpet? “When asked what kind of instrument I wanted to play, it was a no brainer for me! Having parents…

Coincidence- Environment-Or Something Else?

Events in our lives can be attributed to many influences. Some are accidental, some are planned and some just happen for no reason at all. In this post, I would like to describe a very unusual situation that even I can not understand. After giving you a short description of this situation, I ask you to add your thoughts as to why this could happen. “And now for the rest of the story”. A very good friend of mine and I met at a rehearsal shortly after my wife and I relocated from Cedar Falls, Iowa to Branson, Missouri. His…

23 Years and Still Going Strong!

Twenty-three years may not seem like a long time to remain in the same job or be married to the same person but when speaking of  the longevity of a band, this is incredible. The History and Future of Grand Marquis The Grand Marquis band started in 1998 with a Guitar/Singer, Drummer, and Bass player. Soon a Saxophonist was added to this mostly rockabilly blues group. In October of 2001 Trumpeter Chad  Boydston moved to Kansas City and joined the group in February of 2002. At that time, most of their performances were in restaurants and bars. By 2003 the…

Things to Consider After You Get the Job

Don’t complain about your leader/conductor- at least where he/she can hear you. Don’t give advice unless you are asked. Never hire a sub better than yourself. If play a second part in an ensemble, never criticize the first chair player. When warming up, never try to see how high you can play. Never change the music to “the way it should have been written”. Never out blow the lead player under any circumstance. Never play a note at the end of a number which is higher than the lead player unless he/she has requested it. Be sure to cash all…

What Does it Take to Become a Professional Musician?

What Constitutes a Professional Musician? A professional musician is one who plays an instrument or several instruments proficiently; performing is their primary source of income. What Constitutes an Amateur Musician? An amateur musician is one who loves playing music or one who cultivates something as a pastime. If you happen to be described by the second definition (amateur musician) and would like to upgrade to the next level, you might find the following information interesting. Recently I was asked, “How do you become a professional musician”?… and my response was, “Why would you ever want to become a professional musician”? It isn’t that I didn’t or don’t enjoy playing…

Comeback Player Questions

I received this message this past week and because of the house full of family I am a little behind on my posts. I would like to thank this gentleman for his questions and due to the fact that many have indicated that they were also “comeback” players, I thought I would share with you my thoughts on this big move. As always, my comments are in BOLD type and our reader’s comments are in regular type. Went social security in 2010, and part time on my job. Within a couple months, decided it was time to get back to…

You Raise Me Up – Trumpet Ensemble

  From time to time we have readers send in recordings of our music and this young man was kind enough to take the time to prepare our arrangement of “You Raised Me Up”. We would like to thank Javed for his recording and it looks as if we have a very talented and industrious young trumpet player out there. From Javed; Arranged by Branson Trumpet Ensemble – Chidester Played & Recorded by Javed Hassan This is me messing with my webcam and trying to get 4 vids at once. not good quality, I know, But the music was ok…

Grand Reopening a Success !

  Trumpet Ensemble Music Celebrates 2021  We would like to thank our supporters for visiting our new and improved  Trumpet Ensemble Music site. From the time we reopened on January 8th till this morning, we have sent out over 500 orders to our  visitors from 83 different countries. “You are invited to visit our new and improved store and we will continue to offer the best material at the most reasonable prices” Same name/Improved service