Make Your Own Mouthpiece Buzzing Adapter

As you can see from the photo, my first Mouthpiece Buzzing Adapter was assembled many years ago, long before the more popular ones came on the market. I ran across mine this morning by accident and thought it would be an interesting project for you do-it-your-selfers out there. As close as I can remember, I put this one together about 30 years ago out of old trumpet parts. At that time, it was the only one that I knew of and it worked very well, and still does. There are commercially designed and manufactured models of the basic concept and…

A Simple Solution to your Coronavirus Boredom…Start practicing again!

The first of the year I started a long series of exercises to get back in shape after many years of health issues. It was very successful and now we seem to be in a similar situation although this time the virus is the reason. I had to cancel several rehearsals and performances because of the quarantine and this lack of performing has resulted in a lack of practicing. If this is your situation, let me suggest that we begin the 30 day practice routine I posted at the beginning of the year. We all need something to look forward…

More Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part IV

This is the second part of this post and will continue with the following areas- Equipment Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Part 3 Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Part 2 Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Small Mouthpiece vs. Large Mouthpiece How To Place Your Mouthpiece In Your Horn Helpful Suggestions The Trumpet Player’s Octave Key Wet or Dry- That is a Question High Note Entrances Made Easier How to Combat “Stiff Chops” The Correct Embouchure- “Why we teach it incorrectly” Rest As Much As You Play Do You…

More Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part III

After reading Part I and II of this series, you may still have questions as to why the high notes are not your friends and for that reason I will continue with the more traditional answers to this popular dilemma. It could be possible that you are not playing your instrument correctly and I will list some areas where you should check to make sure that everything is working as it should to reach the higher register. Here are some issues with links to some information that you might find helpful- Mouthpiece placement Finding the Correct Mouthpiece Placement Trumpet Mouthpiece…

Now Here Is A Great Idea!

One of my very good friends is Jen Houck and when she sent me this picture of her new trumpet bathtub, I ask her to share her experience with our readers. Please give it up for a great trumpet player and good friend Jen Houck “I have been following Bruce’s Trumpet Blog posts for quite a while now and have really learned a lot of very useful information here. I am an “older” come-back trumpet player always on the lookout for ideas to make my life a bit easier. Recently he posted a video on how to correctly clean your…

Lesson Plans for Professional Players- part 3

Be able to play all of the material listed below; Tone and flexibility All of Earl Irons “27 Groups of Exercises” Charles Colin’s “Advanced Lip Flexibilities” Valve technique and range exercises Herbert L. Clarke’s “Technical Studies For The Cornet” Walter M. Eby’s “Scientific Method for Cornet and Trumpet- Part 4” (professional) Sight reading and etude playing Arban’s “Complete Conservatory Method” Vincent Cichowicz’s “Trumpet Flow Studies” Ensemble playing Arthur Amsden’s “Celebrated Practice Duets” Bud Brisbois’s “Trumpet Today- Jazz Duets” Always be preparing a new solo Henri Tomasi Concerto for Trumpet The Second Brandenburg Concerto And lastly, “always try to get paid…

Lesson Plans For Those Without An Instructor Part 2- Lesson plans for Younger Players and Comeback Players

Areas to be developed by younger players and comeback players- Tone and flexibility Valve technique and range exercises Sight reading and etude playing Ensemble playing Always be preparing a new solo The attached material will give you specific exercises to use in order to begin to develop the areas listed above. Lesson Plan II Sight reading and etude playing

Lesson Plans For Those Without An Instructor- Part 1

We have all had private lessons at some time in our lives and, in most cases, realize the importance of this experience. Unfortunately we are sometimes left to our own schedules or are in an area which does not include competent teachers and for that reason I wanted to address this problem. Studying with a competent teacher is very important if only because you are forced to practice regularly. There is something about going to a lesson ill prepared that makes us practice. We brush our teeth every day, take showers regularly and take our vitamins regularly but when it…

A Close “Look” At Tight And Relaxed Embouchures

Many times we speak of a big sound as compared to a small sound when playing trumpet. In most cases one is able to hear the difference but knowing how to create a bigger sound is more of a problem. Now we have the solution! Not only are we able to hear the difference but with a little help from a free app., we are able now to see and make adjustment in our sound through Biofeedback. A free and simple to use app. called WavePad by NCH Software can get you started in your Biofeedback quest for a bigger…

How Much Should I charge for playing my Trumpet?

One easy answer would be to charge what your playing is worth. Another would be to charge what people are willing to pay. We all have been approached with this question, “How much do you charge to play your trumpet for us”? In order to establish your true value to a listener, first we have to establish what kind of performance you will be asked to do. Taps- The normal compensation in Branson would be $50.00 but this could vary from nothing to possibly more, depending on the size of the service and the amount in their budget. Church solo-…