Rest As Much As You Play

My response to the discussion posted on TPIN There seems to be a flurry of excitement on the TPIN site about the comfort of your lip or the “rest as much as you play” discussion, and for that reason, I would like to add to the discussion. Everyone would like their embouchure (chops) to feel good all the time but unfortunately this is not always possible. Sometimes we have unrealistic deadlines (the 3:00 call to sub for a friend at the local club that night) or (the gig you thought was next week) or (the dance band you agreed to…

How to Practice- Petite Piece Concertante

Petite Piece Concertante has been one of the main staples in the literature of our instrument and also one of the most deceivingly difficult solos to perform in a true musical fashion. One reason for this musical deception is the fact that the solo is not an ordinary solo where the performer starts at measure one and continues to the final measure. This “warhorse” is actually a series of short, four measure solos, each extremely musical by itself. For that reason, I have decided to illustrate this collection of short melodic segments in the following manner in order to make…

Pounding Pain In The Back Of The Brain Continued

Read first…. Pounding Pain In The Back Of The Brain – Trumpet Blog Today was a very productive day with a specialist responsible for CT scanning my complete circulatory system. While spending three hours on an examination table in my local Dr’s. Office, I gained additional information on why high, loud playing with a trumpet can sometimes create pain in the back of one’s head. The original purpose of my exam today was to determine the cause of a common condition call Peripheral Neuropathy. The outcome of this exam is yet to be determined but the information I came away…

Top Ten Mistakes Trumpet Players Make

  We are creatures of habit and when it comes to playing trumpet, we all are guilty at least some of the mistakes listed below. I can say that  I am guilty of most of them and through many years of teaching music, I have see all of them. Posting this list will not change the trumpet world for we are creatures of habit and bad habits will continue. The real reason I have listed these faults is to illustrate that even though you may have committed  some of them, you are not unique, you’re just another trumpet player. My…

10 Indications That You Are Too Old To Play Trumpet

10 Indications That You Are Too Old To Play Trumpet. 1. People compliment you on your vibrato when you’re playing a straight tone. 2. Your mutes are green and fuzzy. 3. Your blood pressure is higher than your upper range. 4. You now use your gig bag to carry your medications. 5. Your wife is checking for a double indemnity clause for brain hemorrhages. 6. You find your dog burying your horn in the back yard. 7. You find your horn listed on EBay with your next door neighbors number listed. 8. When you play a loud note, the only…

How to Play in Tune

Before we get to the “How Do I’s”, I need to address a few questions which are seldom asked but are equally important: Why is it important to play in tune? Playing “out of tune hurts”. It doesn’t hurt the player but it certainly hurts the listener. If you watch television programs such as “American Idol” or “So You Think You’ve Got Talent” or some equally popular show, you have experienced the horror of amateur singers trying to make it big. When they land on an out of tune note for any length of time, we all seem to have…

Features to Consider when Buying a Trumpet

When deciding on which trumpet/cornet to buy, there are a few guidelines that need to be addressed. The bottom line cost is one of the most obvious questions for most people. Unless you are interested in the ultimate, hand fitted, custom made, work of art, one of a kind horn, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $2,500 for a quality instrument. When I speak of the ultimate, one of a kind trumpet, I am reminded of a situation many years ago when a college first told me about  his friend who was making truly one of a kind,…

Fast and Simple Relief from Cold Sores, Canker Sores and Sore Throats

Earlier in my life I was constantly plagues with multiple canker sores which interfered with my trumpet playing. For some reason, they always seem to locate in the most inopportune places on my lip and at the worst times; most often before a concert or solo/ensemble contest. These dastardly villains were treated with everything from alum to hydrogen peroxide. While on tour with my college wind ensemble, our host, who was a dentist, assured me that he could solve my problem by applying silver nitrate on my lip. Not only did that not work, but my host also successfully dribbled…

Trumpet High Range Development- Part 4….. “Will I ever be able to play a double high C”?

If you have normal physical components- Yes If you are determined to practice properly to achieve this goal- Yes If your are patient enough to be satisfied with small, consistent increases over time- Yes If you are willing to accept bad days and cherish the good days- Yes If you think that playing a double high C is necessity in your future as a trumpet player- Yes If you answered Yes to all of the questions above- You might have a chance. If you answered No to any of the above questions- You might not want to waste your time…

Trumpet High Range Development- Part 3….. “What Method Books Have the Secrets to High Note Playing”?

First of all, if these books have all the secrets, they are no longer secrets. Now down to facts. All high range methods are based on known features and how these features differ will explain why some techniques work and some don’t. I will discuss general categories which will help to explain the theory and application of these different approaches.   Pedal Tones and how they work. Many methods utilize the practice and effects of pedal tones when trying to increase one’s high note range. Pedal tones include all notes played below the normal limitations of the instrument; any note…