Five possible causes of passing out with similar conditions to playing and releasing extended high notes on a trumpet. Material taken from 1. Syncope (faint) is a sudden fall of blood pressure resulting in loss of consciousness. 2. Valsalva maneuver or Valsalva manoeuvre. The Valsalva maneuver is performed by attempting to exhale against a closed airway. This can be done by keeping the mouth closed and pinching the nose while trying to breath out. This maneuver greatly increases pressures inside the chest cavity – which stimulates the vagus nerve and increases vagal tone. 3. Orthostatic hypotension, also known as…
No, this is not a joke for if you have ever had it happen to you, you will agree that it is a possibility. The high range exercises which I and several of my friends are practicing at this time may find us in a possible situation which should be addressed at this time. Most often the dizziness and possible blackout comes shortly after releasing a sustained high note and is seldom present when performing in the middle and low range of the instrument. Some players are more susceptible to this condition than others. Also, those performing in the upper…
I felt it was only fair to share others musicians views on this subject and to do so I visited the Internet to collect these thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of bending a mouthpiece. Some responses agree with me and some do not. It is not my job to argue with anyone on their experience in this area or in any area but just as Fox News advertises, this is a fair and balanced report. Please consider the source for not everything on the internet can be accurate, including my views. Related comments from the Internet on bent mouthpieces…
When first starting out as trumpet players we have to locate the correct position for our mouthpiece. This sounds simple enough but after teaching for more years than I care to remember, this decision is more important than most people realize. The exact location can be determined by luck, comfort, or even the set up of your teeth, lips and jaw position. What I will describe here is a very easy way to get started as a beginner and may also be used as a guide to see if you, as a seasoned veteran, have been doing it correctly or…
While trying to complete my coverage of the flugel horn, I decided to see what typical trumpet/flugel horn players say about the many instruments available on the market today. I have included only the material found on one site in a span of two weeks- “The Yamaha Flugels are great all around flugels”. …”the Adams line. I truly believe they are making hands down the best flugelhorns and also the most diverse flugelhorns in the world”. “I play quite a bit of flugel and I sold my Couesnon when I got the V1 (Conn). I also played as many other…
Jake is gone but not forgotten by many of us in the trumpet world who were fortunate enough to have known him. If you are interested in his background and accomplishments, I highly recommend Clint “Pops” Mc Laughlin’s site . If you are interested in what Jake was really like, I can share two stories which might give you some insight into the real Don Jacoby. When first locating yourself in a new area, it is to your advantage to make contact with one of the more active players in order for them to help you get work. This is…
What advantage is there for the use of two mouthpieces? This is a question which comes up often for many times we are faced with contrasting performance styles, i.e. Classical music and Jazz compositions. Generally the Classical music requires a darker, more “legit” timbre and the Jazz music requires a more commercial or brighter tone quality. It seems logical that two different mouthpieces would fit the needs of the performer and this is what we will be covering in this posting. What should I consider when switching between two different mouthpieces? • Two mouthpieces with the same cup diameter cause…
This has been a constant decision for all trumpet players. The large mouthpiece gives you a big, dark, rich sound but on the other hand, the small mouthpiece makes the upper register easier to play. I will try to illustrate the advantages as well as the disadvantages when trying to select your perfect mouthpiece. Big is big and small is small. The larger the mouthpiece the more air you will be able to push through your horn and the smaller the mouthpiece the less air you are able to utilize. Now at this point, I have lost half of my…
Most trumpet players approach the flugel in the same way they approach their trumpet- put it to your face and blow! Although this works, it might not be the best way to get the most out of your instrument. As I covered in a previous post, the two instruments are constructed differently and their use and even playing style are different. Both the trumpet and the flugel horn are played basically the same. Both also play the same range of notes with the same fingerings. The difference between the two lies in the application and playing style of the player.…
Many years ago I visited with a great trumpet player at North Texas State. His name was Larry Ford. Larry, unfortunately past away at a very early age and we who knew him, miss him greatly. During our visit, I mentioned that I preferred playing second parts over lead parts and his response was, “Why? Playing second part is much more difficult than playing lead”. In some ways he was correct. Playing lead has definite requirements and second part players also have their own distinct responsibilities. As a lead player, you are expected to play with assurance and power. As…