Using Technology to Improve Your Trumpet Playing

We are all familiar with the advancements made in technology, but do we take full advantage of the many devices we have? In this first offering, I will list some that I have been able to utilize which have made a difference in my playing ability and with the following post I will describe the methods used to take full advantage of these devices. Video Recording Many might question the importance of video recording your playing, but you must realize that every performance you do is both a visual as well as an audible performance. In my next post, I…

A New Toy Gets A Look-Over

On an earlier post I showed what was used decades ago to alter your sound and octaves with the old Vox Octavoice. Now it’s time to see how things have improved in the digital world. Check out this video and learn what is possible to use today to improve or at least alter you sounds. Ultra-Simple Battery-Powered Vocal Effects Stompbox with Reverb, Echo and Pitch Correction Ultra-simple vocal effects stompbox with reverb, echo and pitch correction Gives you flexible, creative control in a battery-powered format Vocally tuned reverb places your voice in the perfect musical space High-quality, low-noise mic preamp…

An Old Toy Gets A Look-Over

To admit that a product of the 60s is still interesting to anyone is a surprise. But after rummaging through my bin of “the old and discarded,” I ran across a friend I had not seen in decades (many, many decades). Let me introduce you to the Vox Octavoice I. I acquired my Octavoice one day while giving a trumpet lesson at our university. The student mention that he had a device that I might be interested in and because of the fact that many people were experimenting with many things (fill in you own thoughts about that comment) at…

What is Really Happening in Your Body When You Play Trumpet?

The arguments go back and forth as to what happens in our body as we play trumpet. Some say the tongue arches to increase air velocity in the upper register while others say it is the lips which produce the faster vibrations and still others say that it is the increased velocity of the air stream but give no reason for the increase in speed. This is a very helpful film which shows us exactly what is going on in our mouth, throat and lips. Watch this and determine what needs to be done to play throughout the entire range…

Using Technology to Improve Your Trumpet Playing- Using a Metronome

A Metronome is defined as “an instrument of the devil which speed up in difficult passages and slows down in easy passages”. To prove my point, try playing the last page of W. Brandt Concertpiece # 1 with a metronome and you will realize how much a metronome can increase in tempo. And on the other hand, play Lil Darlin’ by Neil Hefty and observes that after only eight measures, the same time keeper has slowed down. Interesting phenomenon isn’t it? Keeping a steady tempo has always been a challenge to musicians and solving this problem requires patience and regular…

How to Develop Perfect Pitch in 5 Steps

As I stated before, the ability to develop Perfect Pitch is highly unlikely if you expect to be perfect all the time. Even those with Perfect Pitch have off days as I indicated in the previous post. Extenuating factors will affect your consistency but be assured, with practice; you should be able to improve dramatically. I wandered through the maze of claims this morning in search of the perfect routine to be using and found many sites which promised instant success on your road to Perfect Pitch. If they claim to have the “easy” answer to success, click out of…

The Battle of the Plastics

From time to time new innovations crop up which, according to their inventers/designers, will revolutionize all trumpet playing. In a few cases, we are benefited by these improvements but in most cases the new ideas fall way short from their advertised benefits. Case in point is the continuing push for plastic trumpets. I have been performing on one such innovation for several years. When the PBone first came out, my wife surprised me with one for Christmas. After many Dixieland jobs and constant work to improve the less than adequate slide, I finally became satisfied with the “pretend plastic trombone”.…

Have You Ever Considered Playing A Medium Bore Trumpet/Cornet?

Now that is a question that I am sure you have never been asked! Most selections of bore size are limited to either large bore or extra-large bore and an option of a small bore or even a medium bore never enters the picture. Here is a quote from the Bundy instrument manufacture ring company. “The Bundy trumpet’s large bore makes it easy for a beginner to blow”. And here is a quote from the well-known music store Musicians Friend. “For new, and especially young players, a horn with a small bore is more appropriate because the small bore makes…

“Clocking” Your Mouthpiece Part #2

Some may remember my first post (How to place your mouthpiece in your horn) which was written to disprove a practice which stresses the importance of placing your mouthpiece in the proper position to benefit your consistency in playing. This practice is called “Clocking” and the reference to positioning your mouthpiece in the best rotation in your mouthpiece receiver turn out to be true. What I started out to disprove, I ended up totally agreeing with. The reason for this second post on the same subject is again to verify the importance of the correct rotation of your mouthpiece in…