Buying Music in a Tight Economy

When money is short and every cent must be carefully spent, we all need to shop wisely when making purchases. For that reason I have begun to search for the best deals when purchasing trumpet study material. This first suggestion was easy for me for I consider this book as one of the best written and most helpful books to be printed. My first contact with this publication was early in my trumpet playing days for this was the material used for all state tryouts and we were all expected to own a copy. While searching for great buys, I was shocked to see the price of this old war horse. I checked through all of the other offerings and found that Selected Studies was at the very bottom of the price range. There were a couple less expensive but they did not offer the quality or the amount of material that this book contains.

Features of the Book

  • 13 Advanced Etudes in Major Keys
  • 13 Advanced Etudes in Minor Keys
  • 6 pages of Scale Exercises
  • 6 pages of Velocity Studies
  • 1 page of Cadenza Studies
  • A total of 76 pages

The Advanced Etudes

One of the great benefits of this collection is that you will be reading well written etudes in all of the major and minor keys. Each advanced etude is complete and and makes for a pleasing study to prepare. Each could be used as an unaccompanied solo because of the contrasting elements in each etude. Most of the style is taken from earlier periods for the book was originally copy righted in 1953. Each etude is written in a cornet style with very Romanic melodic lines.

The publisher was extremely careful to indicate every articulation as well as dynamic changes. The player will gain great insight into musical styling through these carefully notated additions. Many musical figures have been added such as grepetti, trills, mordents, etc. and the publisher has indicated several was to perform each of these markings. Contributing composers to this collection include Gallay, Bohme,Pietzsh,Duem, Salomon,Gatti,Fedorow, St. Jacome, Bagantz, Garibaldi, Arban and Chavanne.

In addition to some beautify written etudes, you will also have available finger, flexibility, scales (both major and several forms of minor, chromatic and whole tone) and articulation (single, double, triple tonguing and slurs) studies. As an added bonus the last page includes three cadenzas which are seldom addressed in most of our etude books today.

From the stand point of quality, amount and diversity, this book will serve you well, and only set you back $6.95. What a deal!

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

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