Bugles Across America- Providing Free Live Taps to Honor the Veteran

Tom J. Day

Mission Statement…from Tom Day, its Founder

BAA was born in 2000 as a result of the Law being passed, stating that Every Qualified Veteran can have Military Funeral Honors. In short, at least two people to fold and present the flag and provide live Taps.With this in mind, Bugles Across America, a not for profit, was started. Government nfp forms were filed and we received an official IRS 501c3 number. This has been reviewed and renewed.

BAA files a tax return with the IRS and the Atty.General of the State of Illinois. All returns are viewable at GuideStar During the course of the last twelve years, we have acquired both a TRADEMARK and COPYRIGHT for our name and logo. BAA also owns the right to all internet names and suffixes.
Bugles Across America nfp does not charge members to join nor does it collect yearly dues. We ask all voluteer members to audition before being placed on the active bugler list so that we know every Veterans Family will receive the best sounding of Taps possible.

Our Membership consists of men and women of all ages, races, and creeds; Veterans and Patriots alike.

We operate and pay for our web site, however, the Bugler Service is Free to all that request it. We are an all Volunteer Program and receive NO government financial help. In some cases, the Military does pay a bugler the $50 stipend, but this is very rare. Those few players who do collect any honorariums are responsible for their own tax reporting.

How have we paid for the over 700 horns and some uniforms we have given away to our members?Over the 12 year period we have had a few foundations donate but they have been reduced as well.Most of operating funds come from the American People via donations. For This We thank YOU every day.

Our members supply their own playing instrument and are responsible for appearing early for each event and dressed correctly. Over the years, we have established member Directives for Buglers which we expect to be followed, or dismissal will take place. All members are responsible for their transport to and from events and must have their own insurance coverage to cover all possible emergencies and problems.

Any member who is found to have any type of criminal record will be dismissed and removed from
the roster.

We thank you for reading our Mission Statement and remind you that for the last 12 years, we at BAA have been given credit for over 200,000 Funeral Missions and have corporately given over a Million hours of Volunteer time To our Veterans and their Families.

Again We Thank You for Your Support. Tom Day Founder and Bugler

BAA Motto:

SanusVeneratio~Veneratio Sanus

(Sound the Honor~Honor the Sound)

One of our readers wanted me to point out an alternative to the Taps delema which we are facing currently in Americ. To learn more about this wonderful service, check it out at THIS SITE.

Bruce was a member of the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa, School of Music in Cedar Falls from 1969 until his retirement in 1999. He has performed with many well-known entertainers such as Bob Hope, Jim Nabors, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, Anita Bryant, Carman Cavalara, Victor Borgie, the Four Freshman, Blackstone the Magician, Bobby Vinton and John Davidson.

2 thoughts on “Bugles Across America- Providing Free Live Taps to Honor the Veteran

  1. Al Steeleman Reply

    Just a word of thanks for the exposure you gave Bugles Across America.

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