For most of my professional life I have been dedicated to the Al Cass “Fast” valve oil but today I may have become a convert to something different.
Ultra Pure is really not a new valve oil but is new to me. While visiting our local music store today I tried to purchase my old friend Al Cass and was very disappointed to find that they did not carry that brand. Due to the fact that I was almost out of oil, I reluctantly paid the good man his token requested and I took it home.
Upon arriving home to my studio I proceeded to oil all of my valved instruments to see how the new kid on the block would fare. To my surprise, some of the slower valves began to have a little more life in them. After a few minutes trying all of my valved instruments, I found that the new oil functioned much better than the former oil.
Sometimes when this happens, the faster oil’s improvement can be caused from a thinner consistency and after a shorter amount of time your valves will start hanging up sooner than they would with a thicker oil. So……let me continue to test this oil and if the valves continue to move at lightening speed after a few weeks, I will get back to you with a follow up on the best valve oil for your instrument.