These posts are written by: Bruce Chidester

The North Texas Shuffle

While a student at North Texas, I was shown a very helpful trick which I still use every day in my playing. I called it the “North Texas Shuffle” and it goes like this. As we tap out feet, (when allowed by the director) most use one foot to complete…

Upper cap screw down problems

Have you ever spent too much time trying to get the upper caps on your valves started? This is a common problem and the solution is very simple. Sometimes the threading on the upper caps is less than perfect as it is on my Yamaha Bobby Shew trumpet. Getting them…

Can An Old Dog Learn New Licks?

This morning I filled in for one of the trumpet players in a local Worship Band. To say it was a challenge would be understating the situation. The majority of the charts were “kicking” funk charts and something I have had little experience playing. On the drive home I mulled…