We all from time to time need a little help when the stage is dark or our eyes have faded through the years. I recently came across this little wonder that has completely sold me and for that reason I have purchased four units for our Robson Chamber Ensemble. Some…
These posts are written by: Bruce Chidester
Why Do Trumpet Players Pass Out? Part II
Five possible causes of passing out with similar conditions to playing and releasing extended high notes on a trumpet. Material taken from Wikapedia.com 1. Syncope (faint) is a sudden fall of blood pressure resulting in loss of consciousness. 2. Valsalva maneuver or Valsalva manoeuvre. The Valsalva maneuver is performed by…
Why Do Trumpet Players Pass Out? Part I
No, this is not a joke for if you have ever had it happen to you, you will agree that it is a possibility. The high range exercises which I and several of my friends are practicing at this time may find us in a possible situation which should be…
Bent Mouthpieces- Good or Bad? Part 2
I felt it was only fair to share others musicians views on this subject and to do so I visited the Internet to collect these thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of bending a mouthpiece. Some responses agree with me and some do not. It is not my job to…
Bent Mouthpieces- Good or Bad? Part 1
This past week the advantages and disadvantages of a bent mouthpiece surfaced again. To those of you who may not be familiar with the term “bent mouthpiece”, let me explain. Many years ago in a far off land lived a very good trumpet player who wanted to play in a…
Using Technology to Improve Your Trumpet Playing- Using a Metronome
A Metronome is defined as “an instrument of the devil which speed up in difficult passages and slows down in easy passages”. To prove my point, try playing the last page of W. Brandt Concertpiece # 1 with a metronome and you will realize how much a metronome can increase…
Finding the Correct Mouthpiece Placement
When first starting out as trumpet players we have to locate the correct position for our mouthpiece. This sounds simple enough but after teaching for more years than I care to remember, this decision is more important than most people realize. The exact location can be determined by luck, comfort,…
Which Flugel Horn Is The Best?
While trying to complete my coverage of the flugel horn, I decided to see what typical trumpet/flugel horn players say about the many instruments available on the market today. I have included only the material found on one site in a span of two weeks- “The Yamaha Flugels are great…
Looking For A New Trumpet Case?
From time to time we all get a little antsy when it comes to our equipment and this is my case at this time. I have a perfectly good original hard case for my Bobby Shew Z trumpet but still “lust” for something new. This is the reason I have…
Remembering Don Jacoby
Jake is gone but not forgotten by many of us in the trumpet world who were fortunate enough to have known him. If you are interested in his background and accomplishments, I highly recommend Clint “Pops” Mc Laughlin’s site . If you are interested in what Jake was really like,…