Take my New Year’s challenge and develop strong chops in 30 days…… For the past several years I have been plagued with continuous health problems which have limited my ability and desire to practice on a regular basis. It started five years ago with damage to my left shin which…
These posts are written by: Bruce Chidester
A Simple Solution to your Coronavirus Boredom…Start practicing again!
The first of the year I started a long series of exercises to get back in shape after many years of health issues. It was very successful and now we seem to be in a similar situation although this time the virus is the reason. I had to cancel several…
Where Does Motivation Come From?
The reason we are motivated can vary for each individual’s situation is different. My motivation to practice my chosen instrument may be much different than yours but this individual motivation is what forces us to spend countless hours in a practice room pounding out boring exercises day after day. My…
We Did It Again!
I would like to thank all of our supporters who have been following our site for the past 10 years. It seems only yesterday that we started and this week we were honored by being chosen “The Top Trumpet Blog and Web Site to follow in 2020“! That make three…
Download Free “Corcovado” Solo and Solo Track
Most of us are wondering about now what to do with our time at home. So I thought it would be nice to have something to play along with to break up the boredom. Download the Solo and Solo track from…….trumpetensemblemusic.com Enjoy!
More Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part IV
This is the second part of this post and will continue with the following areas- Equipment Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Part 3 Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Part 2 Big Mouthpiece or Small Mouthpiece? That Is The Question. Small Mouthpiece vs.…
More Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part III
After reading Part I and II of this series, you may still have questions as to why the high notes are not your friends and for that reason I will continue with the more traditional answers to this popular dilemma. It could be possible that you are not playing your…
Six Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part II
Continuing with our review of reasons some of us are lacking a better high range……. Reason #3- You need to work harder. I can attest not only from my experience but the history of watching many students go through the pains and suffering of “working harder” with limited success. It…
Six Reasons Why You Can’t Play High Notes- Part I
Without question the most often concern among trumpet players is this “How can I play high notes”? Every trumpet player wants to increase his/her upper register and will do anything or buy anything that promises this utopia area of the trumpet players available and allusive range. Why do some have…
Now Here Is A Great Idea!
One of my very good friends is Jen Houck and when she sent me this picture of her new trumpet bathtub, I ask her to share her experience with our readers. Please give it up for a great trumpet player and good friend Jen Houck “I have been following Bruce’s…